Spring Time Snipers (#6)


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #6


Maybe over the weekend, when I am not so darn tired Ill make a better one! LOL!

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe just change the color of our names its kinda hard to see with that color red on that back ground I like it other then that ... I mean I like it anyhow but I would want to be able to read the names better. grin.gif

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Guest GreenHead

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #6

i think you should change the color of our names because they are hard to see, also i didnt like the" run dude im toast " part very much, it just doesnt fit. but other than that it is cool.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #6

I been searching for a crosshair! The red dot that you see now is the only thing I could come up with! But you guys are right about the red type with our names! Let me sleep on this being awake for 26 hours, its not going to happen right now! LOL!!!

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #6

ROFL AWWW common whats up with that 26 hours I mean common .. lol jk man its no hurry .. if I had any talent I could work on something to lol get your rest its absolutely no hurry ... dont get me wrong I like what you did with the first one I really like the picture ... Im sure you will come up with something ...


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #6


thats perfect exept you still cant see the names very well.

maybe u should change it to blue or white

[/ QUOTE ]

Then I guess its not perfect Then!!! Thats because its hidden in the camo background! grin.giftongue.gifgrin.gif

Everybody's monitor is set up differently. I see the red type just fine. I had blue, white, and everyother PMS color in the book! BTW! PMS means Pantone Matching System! tongue.gif

Ok, this is it! If you guys cant see this one then you need glasses! LMBO!!!!!!


Please DO NOT LINK to my Photobucket. I have many pics on there and they get used by several different forums. Go to www.photobucket.com and open an account, its free! Thanks guys!

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