The Wild Turkey Boys (#8)


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #8

Well boys I got three areas to turkey hunt in, all with crazy turkey populations. This years looking good, and I'm definately looking to bag a stupid jake on opening day. I won't submit this one and after that I'll hunt nice toms for my second bird and hopefully I can make one of those happen for a submission.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #8

I have about 4 areas I can hunt with 2 different friends. One friend called last night and he is already seeing a flock of 15. We should be able to pattern these birds and the best deal is there is no hunting pressure. Hope to lay the smackdown on a Tom come May 1st!

I am only allowed 1 bird so I will try to be selective plus its fun to be out there in the woods. None the less, if I harvest one early I will still go out and call for my friends! smile.gif Good luck team!

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #8

Well boys I got three areas to turkey hunt in, all with crazy turkey populations. This years looking good, and I'm definately looking to bag a stupid jake on opening day. I won't submit this one and after that I'll hunt nice toms for my second bird and hopefully I can make one of those happen for a submission.

Mossy--here is a quote on the rules.

4. Scoring of the bird will be based on the NWTF scoring system. Each member will be able to score one bird(the first bird taken for your season even if you are allowed more than one) for the Contest.

You have to submit the first bird you take. So if you shoot a jake on opening morning, according to the rules, that is the one you need to submit. Personally I'd try to take a mature Tom first and not waste a tag on a Jake until later in the season--but that's just me. You shoot whatever you want and best of luck this season.


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #8

Lets hope we can bag one in our one month time period.

Say fellas, I'm getting a new turkey choke, I asked in the turkey forum and got some answers but I have another question. What do you guys think of Hevi Shot?

I've heard tons of stuff about the H.S. Strut Hevi Shot Undertaker choke tube combined with #5,6 Hevi Shot. Supposedly for some(and yes I know, keyword being "some") its the best combo they can get for their 12 gauges.

I know I have to try things out, but I also don't want to buy 1 million chokes! confused.gif

I'm also looking at:

Primos Tightwad

Primos JellyHead

Truglow Gobble-Stopper

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #8

Well guys I got my first refusal for a third place to turkey hunt...and this one ticks me off. mad.gif

I had a great aunt and uncle that I barely even knew but used to visit when I was 8-12 years old. Their property is chalk-loaded with turkey's and I know the land like the back of my hand. Anyways they died a couple years ago and for those two years the property was passed onto my dads second/third cousin, I'm not sure what he was. confused.gif

Last year before my dads cousin put the property up for sale, he never took care of it and never visited it. Because of this, my grandma gave me permission to hunt it. Last year was an incredible year and I had like 15 CLOSE calls, plus I was bowhunting and a couple times I could have shot a bird if I didn't have my bow. So I call my dads cousin up and ask permission for this year, since he's now taken responsibility for it, he rudely says no, not even nice about it. I call his sister and she also rudely says no. frown.gifmad.gif

Obviously the worst thing happened.... my dads cousins are severe ANTI'S LOL! smirk.gif

I had that whole place mapped out between creeks, fences, roosting areas and fields!!! What a shame I had to run into that luck. Still got two other places so I'm glad, anyways, just posting, keepin it going in here. laugh.gif : tongue.gif

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