Cutt'n and Strutt'n (#22)


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Hopefully tomorrow I will have some pics to post up for the team. Talked to my bro-in-law and he has been seeing 5 toms strutting around where I will be going. He is going fishing so I will have the place all to myself smile.gif

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Well, it didn't happen today. I did hear alot of gobbling at daylight, but as soon as they hit the ground they got with the hens and wouldn't leave them or gobble either. This afternoon I seen 3 jakes with some hens and then 2 toms that was with some hens. I crawled about 200 yards to get closer to the bigger toms, but they wouldn't budge from their hens and then the hens took them off the other direction.

Not sure if I will make it out in the morning or not I think the starter is going out on my truck. This afternoon when I went to start the truck to head home all it would do was click, but I finally got it started and got home. Hopefully it will at least start and get me to the hunting spot, then I will worry about getting fixed after the morning hunt smile.gif

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

I guess you get to go after them this weekend right Joe. Good luck, sure hope they act better for you than they have for me.

This past weekend I checked the cameras and every morning they had been coming by between 7-8 and then back by in the afternoons between 6-7. Couldn't get any toms to answer my calling, so I sat by the cameras and all that came by was some hens. It seemed like all the toms had gone somewhere else, not even a single gobble was heard all weekend.

Going to try my place again this Saturday morning, but if no gobbles are heard, then I have another place I will hunt the rest of the weekend. Then the next weekend I think I will probably go to my cousins place which is about 2 hours south, so hopefully before the end of the season I will have at least one bird under my belt.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Yup Yup Tonya.. This weekend is our Youth weekend. Saturday and Sunday its only kids out there with guns, under the supervision of adults of course. wink.gif

Kids are the only ones who can shoot, but adults can help call also. We've got a spot picked out where a big old tom has been roosting with a few other jakes. It's kinda like a gobblers only place. We should have these birds in our lap this weekend. If not Saturday because of rain, then definitely Sunday. Last year, we called in two toms on the LAST weekend of the season. They were very hot. That was at the end of May. My guesss was that every hen was bred already and we sounded like a hen that they missed. LOL But we couldn't connect because they hung up 80 yards away and wanted our hen decoy to close the distance.

But this one tom that has been hot the past few days is probably one of those toms we called up last year. He has got to be around 4 or 5 years old. He has a deep, throaty and long gobble. Not to mention a beard that drags on the ground when he walks upright!!

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Sounds like you have plan, hope it comes together for you, good luck.

I will be out again this weekend, sooner or later my luck will surely change, just hope it is soon. I have till May 14, so I should be able to find at least one that likes my calling smile.gif

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Ok.. It rained and rained and rained all weekend.

I went out for a ride on the quad on Saturday after 12:00 PM ( we have to stop at 12 ) and saw a flock of 8 birds. 6 hens and two toms. I started yelping with my voice and one tom went into half strut and then popped out. They just weren't gobbling.

We got out for two hours today, but all we saw was a hen. Jumped her off her nest accidentally. Whooops. The turkeys are on our side of the mountain though which is good.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

I was out again this weekend, but all I shot was another coyote. They did seem to be gobbling a little better, but still no toms came into my calling. I did spot a toms strutting for a hen and got snuck in within shotgun range, but the hen was always to close for a clear shot on the tom. I watched them for about 30 minutes or so, the tom breed the hen 2 times and then when they left they headed away from me. I still have about 3 weeks to go, so hopefully I will get at least one tom.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Our season opened yesterday, the 24th, I haven't gotten to go out yet. I am planning on trying to take off tomorrow morning and hunt. My dad went out yesterday and saw 4 toms and 5 jakes, didn't get any close enough to kill though. I am looking forward to just getting out and hopefully hear some gobbling. I will also be hunting this weekend. Good luck everybody and stay at it.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Went out today, called up 3 jakes and sure wanted to pull the trigger since I have not killed any birds yet this year, but I just played with them a little and then watched them as they went on towards the roost.

Good luck to everybody this weekend.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Well Tonya, I told ya I would get one! I shot a jake this morning for a total score of 29 NWTF points.. LOL.. But because it's my first bird of the season, I have to enter it.

15 pounds

1/4" R Spur

1/4" L Spur

4.5" beard

He ain't no monster, but he came it double and triple gobbling and strutting his stuff and at 40 yards I dropped him with the Mossberg 835.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Congrats Joe, it is better than what I have to show so far. I heard lots of gobbling around my place over the weekend, but still no bird. Going to go in the morning to my sister's place.

If I would have had a rifle with me Sunday afternoon I could have shot one that was with a hen, but I couldn't get him to come my way since he already had a hen.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #22

Going out again this weekend it has been a hard season so far, lot of hard headed birds that don't seem to be to interested. I think they got our season a little late this year, I heard from a guy around here that he already saw a hen with several poults. Sure doesn't seem like the toms even care about the hens right now but all it takes is one bird to get in the right mood at the right time so I'm not giving up yet.

Joe sorry to hear about your ankle at least you got that bird before you went down. Good luck with a fast recovery.

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