Feather Rufflers (#26)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26


Anyone been doing any scouting?

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I've been going out at least once a weekend to scout and been driving around checking the fields almost every evening. There's no shortage of birds in either spot, my main spot I am hunting has a flock of 40 that are pretty predictable at this point, but all that could hcange in the blink of an eye.

That being said, I've got A LOT of rope and A LOT of full fans to choose from in a few different spots

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26

Well...we are now on the board! I got a nice bird 7am this morning. 10" beard, 1" and 7/8" spurs...gotta find my scale to weigh him and waiting on a friend to stop by to help with pictures and witness.

Story and pics to come!

Keep after 'em...good luck to the rest of the team.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26

Well...got out this morning around 5am. Made up my mind with the limited amount of hunting I'm able to do this season...I was taking the first bird (providing it wasn't a jake) that came into range.

It broke light and heard some birds far off...but nothing real close. Decided to sit it out...then heard a bird gobble in the lower pature field (approx. 400 yards down through the woods). I yelped to him...he gobbled...I thought I should try and cut the distance...but yelped again and he gobbled a little closer. So I turned up the calling alittle...started cuttin' and yelping...he gobbled everytime. I shut up and just listened to him gobbling the entire way in. My first thought was...jake....then he popped out at the edge of the field and ran to my decoy's. Went right for the jake decoy...watched for a min. then gave the sharp cluck...BANG! 19 1/2 lbs., 10" beard, 1" and 7/8" spurs! Not my best bird...but still very happy with him.


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26

Man, between being sick and busy at work I've barely had time yo get on the net lately, but here is how my season is going so far................

Had a HUGE tom and a buddy dance about 80 yards away from me on opening day for roughly 15 minutes; but 6 real heans put a damper on that show.

Between opening day and to the present I have let 8 jakes walk.

Have also seen a few hens and one unidentifiable.

All I know is this is the weirdest turkey season I have encountered in PA. Some days they're going nuts all over the place, then the next day 2 will gobble on roost and shut up as soon as they hit the ground and the roost gobbles will be all I hear that day.

As of tomorrow we still have 2 weeks left here in PA, so we'll see if I can't get some blood on the end of my arrow yet. Congrats to all those who have scored!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26

Sorry I havent checked in for awhile. I did not have any luck this year. I almsot killed a bird in GA back in March and thought it was going to be a good year, but just didnt work out. Looks like we didnt do too well this year, lol.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #26

Sorry to say I wasn't any help to the team. Weekend weather here has been lousey to say the least.

We heard birds but no luck getting them to answer our calls.

Born2Hunt cheated and took the first two days of the season off work. Leaving me behind to mind the store, he got a nice bird! Next year it might be a little different. I'm still the Daddy [ and his employer] AKA: The Boss, LOL

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