Dead Bird Boyz (#27)


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

went out this morning and there was someone at the spot that my friend and i were going to hunt. So we went to another spot to no avail. We headed back to town on the "river road" and there were 16 longbeards in a field, but it was private property. Had fun with them though, once all of them opened up to my yelps. Headin out after lunch again

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

For the lucky team members that their 2006 turkey season got under way. Let us know how your making out.

Devin (NH)

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

How is the turkey hunting going for team members who's hunts are under way? Have you had any close incounters.

I can't wait for April 25th. The birds are really starting to gobble here.


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Guest varmint101

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

'Bout 2½ more weeks yet. I've decided on the shotgun instead of the bow. They're logging my hunting area this week so I'm going to go down to a buddy's place to hunt opening day. Hope I can score a nice one.

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Guest varmint101

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

Got my longbeard at 10:20 this morning! Won't be able to post pics until Friday though. 21½lbs, 10 1/8" beard, 3/4" spurs. smile.gif

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

Tagged one for the Dead Bird Boys. I got it on Friday.

It weighed 22lbs. 3 oz., 9 7/8" beard and 1 1/8" spurs. Will post the story and pics now in turkey section. I'll post the things needed for the contest later.

Devin (NH)

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Guest varmint101

Re: Realtree Turkey Team #27

Good deal Norfolk!! Congrats on the bird!

redryder, good luck to you and your son! Hopefully you'll both come across a couple of lonesome Toms.

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