Where's the media coverage for this?


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If you click on the link above - you'll visit the USA Today website and will be treated to a flash presentation of several pictures taken during the siege of Fallujah. Picture number two in this presentation shows 40 vials in boxes labeled "Sarin." That's sarin gas, my friends. One drop of this stuff on your skin can kill you. The boxes have Cyrillic and German characters on them, indicating they may have come from our good friends the Russians or the Germans. The caption under the photo reads "Marines discovered 40 vials of suspected Sarin gas while searching a house in Fallujah, Iraq. It was secreted in a briefcase hidden in a truck in the courtyard of the house."

So ... there you go. Weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons. This Sarin gas could, with an effective application, kill thousands. And where do they find it? In a briefcase! A briefcase in a car trunk. And you wonder why our troops have had some difficulty finding Saddam's weapons? You still think inspections could have worked? Yeah, sure they would. The inspectors were going to look in every car trunk and every briefcase in Iraq.

Meanwhile ... just watch the critics whistle past this one. If you don't mention the vials of Sarin gas, they just don't exist ... do they?

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?


Not exactly a truckload now is it, and virtually every country has Sarin gas, including us.

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Yeah how many vials do you need to say its WMD's? Saddam used this same gas to kill thousands of people in his country. BTW there could be thousands of brief cases too! But noooooooooooooooo none of the left still want to say yeah I know he did!

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?



How deep is the sand in that desert????

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It was deep enough for them to completely bury a brand new type of Russin MIG that nobody knew they had.

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Yep, thats my point, remember seeing the pics of that a while back. Dan Rather never reported on that did he.

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?

I noticed that those vials were very neatly packaged, like maybe, just maybe they weren't put together in someones garage, but were mass produced and packaged in a factory type laboratory.

I could be wrong of course ...LOL

I use to lose my dinky toys and toy soldiers in my sandbox at home all the time when I was young, and that was a pretty tiny sandbox...LOL

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?


Oh come on guys - it was only a couple of viles and only a few jet fighters....nothing to worry about.

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Yep, LOL. They had just a few missles that were capable of reaching further than they were supposed to have too, but they had em.

Not like they could have used them against us right?

Of course Saddam would not have given any types weapons or arms to terrorists who hate us just like he does.

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?


They are a weapon of mass destruction in any amount. They will just overlook this, although it dosent matter if they do or dont now, Bush got reelected despite their liberal manipulation. Slugo, just how many does it take for it to be a womd? They could uncover 500 nukes and youd say well they never intened to use them, or , they are just little ones.

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A Nuke and sarin gas are 2 different things( in case you didn't know) On the subject of Nukes, I wonder if Bush has led us into another cold war. Last couple of days has Putin claiming a new missile defense system and another Nuclear missile to outdo all other Nukes. Deposing a leader who may or may not had Nuclear capabilites or was seeking the capability, is peanuts compared to some hositle world leader who already has the Nukes or the capabilites. (Russia, North Korea, China) Mark my words, the next major attack on our soil will not come from the Middle East, it will come from one of those three countries while we were busy trying to find vials of gas in the sand. If all these weapons are buried, how many people do you think know about it, not the insurgents, they weren't part of Saddams military or Government, and how many people in his government have we captured so far. The number of people who know where all this stuff is supposedly buried is dwindling fast. And that briefcase of gas could have come from anywhere, it be be black market gas that was manufactured here in America for all we know. Just because it has little markings on the side doesn't mean that's where it came from. Stuff gets stolen all the time and winds up blowing someone up 5 years later. It doesn't mean the country who supplied it is directly responsible, if it were , we'd have to blame the Reagan administration for the deaths of our soldiers in Gulf 1 because they supplied Iraq with the weapons to do it back in the Iran-Iraq War.

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?

I don't that any other "country" will dare attack us openly, at least not while we have a person of strong will and solid convictions in the Whitehouse. They know full well that we could and would quickly defeat the military and overthrow any government of any country that tried. The main threat we face is from those lawless and borderless organizations like al-Qeada that have no country to lose. At the same time, we must also insure that al-Qeada and the other terrorist organizations don't align themselves with an established country for funding and support like they did in Afghanistan and were attempting to do in Iraq.

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Re: Where\'s the media coverage for this?

Could not agree more with what is said above. So long as Bush or any future strong willed leader is in the White House I seriously doubt that any of those three countries or any others for that matter would have balls enough to launch a nuclear world war, which is exactly what you are suggesting.

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