Does anyone really care why?


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I was watching a report about the terrorist that was shot in Fallujah and it really irritated. There was some bleading heart fruom the aclu talking about his right being violated.

There was a Marine capt. there who was defending the shot and said from what he saw, it looked like a reasonable decision to fire. These folks have no mission except to kill. This is war and war is ugly. I know some of you guys out there were in gulf war 1, does it not seem logical to neutralize any threat reguardless of how small it may seem.

As for me, I don't care what his motivation to fire was. It just means one less person who hates us for what we are.

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Re: Does anyone really care why?

A buddy of mine was in the first gulf war. He came back a bit screwed up. He told me that what would seem to be civilians would come up and they would approach his bradley seemingly friendly and then you might have one in the back with a gun or other weapons who would all of a sudden pop out of nowhere and they would have to waste them all, as they did not know who was really friendly. It never hit the news that big during the first war, but these types things did in fact happen and do happen with all warfare of this type. That is part of war and the innocent civilian casualties as sad as they are are part of it. Point is that the tactics of these people is to use whatever means they can to kill us. That said I think if was there and was unsure I would likely have done the same thing, one less terorist to have to deal with.

The aclu is a terrible organization. Really honestly I could care less what they have to say.

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Re: Does anyone really care why?

Too many people want a "pretty" war, but war just isn't pretty! I refuse to judge the person who did the shooting because I wasn't there and the TV only shows what they want to show.

Sure, it would be great if everyone could sit around a table and work out their differences, but we tried that and it didn't work! That only leaves one option, which means war.

If someone is trying to kill me, you can be sure I am not going to stop and ask questions before I shoot back! I am sure these men and women would much rather be back at home with their families instead of fighting, but that isn't a choice they have right now.

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Re: Does anyone really care why?

Where's my earlier post about the ACLU, NAACP, labor unions, etc?

Oh well, the gist of it was that these organizations are no longer about what they were originally created to do, which was to help a section our society that was being exploited. Now, they're all about pushing a left wing agenda and have nothing to do with helping our society as a whole.

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