Lost my wisdom

Guest buddy ahart

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Guest buddy ahart

I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out and man does it hurt...the blood is draining out of my mouth. i hate anytime i get a sore tooth and now i just had 4 yanked. i gotta change the goss every 20 min cause it gets full of blood.

Any what gets me realy mad is i cant even go out scouting i gotta be stuck in my house all day . frown.gif

Any tips on how to make it stop bleeding ?

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Re: Lost my wisdom

Stitches?? grin.gif

Man, don't tell me this. I gotta get all 4 of mine pulled. And I am DREADING IT!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Seriously though.............I have heard that biting down on wet tea bags helps. The tannic acid in the tea helps stop the blood from flowing. wink.gif

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Re: Lost my wisdom

Oooh yuck! I had 2 teeth pulled, not wisdom, for braces and that was bad enough. Maybe just try to keep pressure on the bleeding areas as the pressure will slow it down. Also you can try sucking on an ice cube or hold something cold on your cheek or the tooth area as cold will usually help the bleeding to slow down. Don't take any tylenol or ibuprofen because those won't help the blood to clot. Good luck and if nothing works, call a doctor.

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Re: Lost my wisdom

Point about the tea bags.....get lots of them and change them often and NEVER EVER NEVER EVER fall asleep with one in your mouth. It will eventually burst. :eek:

I can't see what your problem is...I never had pain one--well that was until the next day when I was eating doritos (cautiously) and jabbed one in the wound. Other than that, I was fine.

Call the doctor about the bleeding and ask for some better pain meds....percocet works well for me.


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Re: Lost my wisdom

I was eating a peanut and got it caught in my holes after I had them pulled, those holes are still somewhat there and I had them pulled 7 years ago. Good luck, it sure is not a lot of fun!!!

I did not have a real problem with blood, but I wonder did they tell you to eat solid foods, because I was on really good medication and drank most of my meals (carnation instant breakfast, nothing fun) I just wondered if food is tearing your gums open again?

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Lost my wisdom

well the pain is gone now they game me vicadin and it works. I have gauze in and that gets filled up pretty quick it isent bothering much now just that it wont stop bleeding.I had to eat some soup and mac and cheese before but thats it. I think ill be find once it stops bleeding thanks for the advice everyone!

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Lost my wisdom


I am suspose to get mine out but I don't wanna go thro with it ...they aren't bothering so why haul them out LOL

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thats what i asked my dentist and he said it may not now but a month down the road it could get infected and mess my other teeth up. He also said it would hurt less now then if i would wait. It cost alot to .

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Lost my wisdom

ya im fealing ok the bleeding stopped last night at like 9 . i got to go out and do some scouting today even tho i shouldnt be in the cold. They still are kinda sore and i cant eat much but the vicadin im on helps lol.

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