Turkey vest, calls, and decoys


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Vest is the Mossy Oak Super Elite II, has the NWTF patch on right front pocket. Camo is MO Obsession. Vest is in excellent shape, but is missing one oc the clips that hook the seat to the back. No tears, not faded $55 shipped.

Decoys are feather Flex, 2 hens and jake. If memory serves me right, they have NEVER been used, just stored in a bag I had them in. No tears, holes. $30 shipped

1 Primos Power Crystal, with Rosewood Striker. It has been ruoghed up, but is in excellent shape. $13 shipped

1 HS Strut Wood Witch. This is a sweet sounding call. Has a striker as well. $13 shipped.

1 Knight and Hale Ol'Yeller SLATEK call, with striker. $12 shipped

1 Lynch WORLD CHAMPION box call. $13 shipped

1 Lynch LONGBEARD box call $13 shipped.

All calls are in excellent condition. They are about 2-3yrs old, and have been in my closet for probably 97% of that time. I just couldn't get into turkey hunting, I would rather fish. I will have pics up hopefully tomorrow. Anyone interested in the whole mess, PM me an offer.

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Re: Turkey vest, calls, and decoys


Hey Jason are those the 2 box calls you hit with a hammer last year and then glued them back together... grin.gif

Just Kidding bud...LOL grin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

DADGUMMIT GRIZ, You could have atleast waited until they were paid for!!!!!!!!!!

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