How many atv wrecks?

brad dryden

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

Have been riding since I was 2 or so I am told. I have no idea of how many over the years I almost 24 now so I am sure there are quite a few. Thank god i have not broken a bone yet.

I think I am fixing to sell my sportbike and buy a utility atv. I already have a sport quad(400ex) and I need something I can use at out 1600 acre lease.

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

2- first one on a Polaris 500...was going really fast in reverse (that is a no-no!!!)

The second time, I flipped a Honda 300 end over end!! shocked.gif Tried to cross a little ditch I had crossed several times, took it in the wrong spot. Front tires hit the oppost bank and sent me flying!! I have never worn helmets....pretty stupid.

Oh yeah, forgot about this one....riding my friend's Yamaha warrior, took it between 2 tight trees he had a trail between and I hit one of them with the right wheel. Broke the steering rod thingy (brain fart crazy.gif) That set me back $40....somehow I kept it a secret from my parents, until my brother told them the day I moved out. mad.giflaugh.gif I did have a helmet on during that one though......

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

Have had a few over the years. All were atributed to my own temporary lack of good sense. Great example that comes to mind was one time when it snowed and I decided to do doughnuts in the frozen bottom and caught a stob with one tire. Luckily when the 350 honda came down it did not land on me and I flipped it back over and got on started it back up and drove back to the house.

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

Just one so far. GOing across a side slope and i leand way over the uphill side. Worked for the other guys, but we forgot i weigh like 60 pounds less. It went over so slow, i was fighting it, but lost. Rolled over me then landud upright. Just bruised my leg and cut my hand. I swear if i weighed 10 more pounds i could have saved it.

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

14?!! No offense intended, but..... Those of you who have suffered numerous accidents, no doubt caused by multiple bouts of neuro-flatulence, and have been lucky enough to avoid serious injury....start buying lottery tickets now! Be careful, we do not want to read about your demise in the morning paper. Oh yeah, if you do not die, it still sucks to live the rest of your life in a wheelchair.

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

But when I first had that 350 I was going some VERY crazy things but dont do it anymore like about 2 in the morning get on one side of the road in the grass punch it and hit the ditch and jump the road and this is a Honda 350 rancher 4x4 and had only one 2 come back on my going up a hill one I hit it to hard and it fliped up other I was at the top the fron was and when it caought tracktion it fliped up and sever were from fish tailing and got it to far sidways and fliped and one was from jumping this hill and I had never hit it this hard before but hit it about 45 jumped it front right steering arm broke off then I couldent steer and slamped a fence and spun the 4 wheeler the other way and gut up my hand some and the worst was not my fault we were riding on a back road me and my brother and I was coming up beside him so he starts coming over and my wheel get in a ditch so I let off the gass and slowly try to pull out of it then the wheel catches a dirt claud and flips and right before it flips I feel it coming over and only way to jump is on the asphalt abd tear my hand up and elbow and and had to go to the ER and their wasent much to sow so they wrapped it and told me to soak it in soapy water 2 or 3 times a day and gave me pills but it dident hurt for some reason until they tryed to numb it and the numbing dident work it hurt like heck and and one time jumped a hill and my sis was coming across and luckily cut thew weel hard and just hit at a angle and hit the rear back tire and one it was wet and I was going about 35 and 25 30yds or so the turn was ahead so I locked the brakes up and slip into a fence post those are just some

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Re: How many atv wrecks?

a few for me too....... the first day i got my polaris 500 i was ridin in the ditch and the son was in my eyes and i couldnt see and the next thing i knew the fourwheeller was straight up and i fell off to the side and the wheller missed me when it fell on over.......some how or another i rode up a guywire........ blush.gif then one time i was going down the asphalut doing about 55 or 60 and then one of the guys i was riding with desides to lock up his brakes infront of me and i ran into the back of him and i rolled it in the ditch and got back up and went on off the road and we put his four wheller back thats just a few of the many spills ive had luckly i havnt been hurt......nock on wood

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