A Cop Killer dead !


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I'm glad they caught up to this dirt bag and now we do not have to waste money for a trial. On Monday night not to far from me, and an area I shop at frequently there was a robbery and police chase. The officer involved in the chase was killed by the robber. It was a sad day yesterday knowing the robber had got away. My local radio station disc jockey was good friends with the cop and talked about him yesterday on the air and wished the robber dead before signing off. Well last night he got his wish.

News Article on Cop's Death

Article on Killers shootout with PA Police

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Re: A Cop Killer dead !

I have mixed thoughts about the fact that he is dead for me he got off a little to easy. My fiancee is a cop and would rather see him go to prison for life and become someones "BOY TOY" but I guess in prison if you mention you killed a cop he might be glorified to the other prisoners. I guess now he did the crime, had his 10 minutes of fame and ended his life with an execution what a piece of......... well you know what I mean.

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Re: A Cop Killer dead !

"Corr....leaves behind a wife, infant daughter and grieving colleagues..."

What a tragedy... Man my heart goes out to his wife and little girl, who will have to grow up with only pictures and stories of her dad...

In my entire career in surgery, I have never been so emotionally charged as a night I recall vividly trying to save the life of a sheriff who had been shot multiple times by one of these morons (purposefully tracked down and shot at his own home out of uniform for doing his job). Imagine telling his family and 100 partners he died, all the while knowing that the unremorseful son of a **** who shot him was sitting four walls away and going to survive without major ordeal...

Our officers put their lives on the line every day - whether in or out of uniform - with the single duty of upholding our laws to make life safe for all of us, and then you hear about this kind of story... It makes me want to vomit.

Just like the widows and children our servicemen killed in the line of duty have left behind, Corr's wife and daughter can be assured that he died protecting all of us, and that may not be consolation, and it certainly does not make his death easy to take, but it is certainly honorable... My thoughts and prayers are with Corr's family and friends.

To all of our law enforcement officials, I say thanks for standing in the gap...

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Re: A Cop Killer dead !


Just like the widows and children our servicemen killed in the line of duty have left behind, Corr's wife and daughter can be assured that he died protecting all of us, and that may not be consolation, and it certainly does not make his death easy to take, but it is certainly honorable... My thoughts and prayers are with Corr's family and friends.

To all of our law enforcement officials, I say thanks for standing in the gap...

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You said it right there! Mixed feelings aside, we need to appreciate all out there whom protect us:

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