Ever get that feeling...


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Of being left-out? Feeling alone even when your mom says God is with you, you still feel lonely? Man I got an email and the one girl is playing on another intramural basketball team and they don't have room for more players; another girl I kinda know I don't think has room on her team either which would mean I'd have to sign up to be put on whatever team. I feel so stinking left out of things. Being a commuter makes things tough sometimes. I also got a 67% on a test which is a D and I have got to pull my last test grade up really well because this class is part of my major. The problem is the professor sucks and is making his class suck also. I know I sound liek I'm wining and some of you may be nasty enough to say suck it up but I'm in a bad mood, pmssing(the women on here I know can sympathize), frustrated not getting a turkey yet, and just plain burned out in school not too mention feeling lonely. *Sigh* I just had to vent somewhere somehow.

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Re: Ever get that feeling...

Sorry to hear you are feeling so alone. Maybe the basketball thing is God's way of getting you out there to get to know more people! Don't dwell on the bad test grade, think about making the rest of your grades better. There is nothing you can do about it now, so don't waste your energy on what has been done in the past. I am just about burned out with school too, but the semester is almost over, and this too shall pass... Drop me a pm if you need to vent some more!

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Re: Ever get that feeling...

god is with me and i never feel lonely...left out maybe but not lonely.... when there is no room for me i find something else to do!!!!!!! just a question for ya===== if you are getting burnt out do ya realy want to add another thing for you to do????????? good luck and i honestly hope things work out for you!!!!!!!!! god bless !!!!!!! grin.gif

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