
Norm Sauceman

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I went to the doctors on the 16th. They said all looked to be healing well. I am feeling so much better although the leftovers from the surgery still lingers. I do have a problem that came on a few months after I was injured last year. From out of nowhere, at any time, day or night, I get the symptoms of the flu. My whole body aches and I can hardly move. Most of the time I can’t even get out of bed. No matter the dose of my pain meds, it does no good. This lasts from 2 – 48 hours. It is really strange. The doctor thinks it could be some sort of nerve damage from going so long without getting this corrected. He has given me another medication to take that we are hoping will take control of these episodes. I have had 5 since the surgeries; the longest so far has been 15 hours. It feels like my muscles and my bones are mad at each other and are trying to separate.

I did mention to him I would like to go deer hunting this weekend, he said “Not yet”..if I slipped, we would have to go through this all over again..well, THAT got my attention..LOL…

I am getting better every day. I am getting more and more self sufficient and am taking care of myself for the most part. The wife went back to work this week and comes home for lunch to check on me. I am still very weak, my left leg is markedly weaker than my right, but I am hopeful it will catch up.

I am able to get on the computer every day, but for limited amounts of time. I really enjoy reading all the stories on the boards and reading the emails you all send about your hunts. I am afraid this will be the extent of my hunting this year, but getting on here and reading your stories makes it a bit easier.

My son Jarrett is starting to do European mounts for folks around here. I had 3 deer heads in the freezer I let him practice on and I must say he did an awesome job!! He did not get a deer during Juvenile season, but he let a 1 ½ year old 6-point walk right by him. A good buddy from McMinnville came over and took him out for the hunt. I really appreciated that from him. I am hoping Jarrett can get a deer at his grandfather’s house this weekend, but it looks like rain. He is such a good boy.. He turned 16 this year and has really helped out his old man through this hard time.

I truly hope none of you have to go through something like I have had to endure. It would be bad enough to have just one of the procedures I have had much less both of them 12 days apart. But I am pulling through it. The X-rays look pretty cool too! LOL

You folks take care! Remember, I am watching you all!!!


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Re: Progress

Norm, that is great news!

I guess I will just have to go out this weekend and until the 29th to do a little deer hunting for both of us. I don't know if I can last that long out there either. Time will tell!

Good luck and it is great to hear about your progress!

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