SCORED!!! First


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Today was opening day of shotgun season in CT. I haven't been able to hunt much the past 4 weeks because of my knee problems, but was determined to go out today. My friend Matt and I went into our state land area by boat this morning. It is an easy way to get to the most remote part of the forest, along Lake Zoar. Any place you park is an hour walk to the are I like to hunt. We got to the beach at about 5:30. It was dead quiet, no wind. Perfect hunting day.

I got into my area, put out a couple scent bombs, and got comfortable. About 9:30 I hear deer running. Seems like I could hear them forever. They finally pop out of the thick stuff, about 70 yards away. 2 does. I'm all set to take a shot at the second doe, when i hear another deer walking. I think to myself " I bet thats a buck". Sure enough its a buck. I watch him following the trail the does took, and he finally comes in the open, about 70 yard away, not giving me a shot. He is about 10 feet from the 2 doe now, and they are all about to go out of my sight. I pick up my Knight and Hale EZ Grunter plus, and give a short grunt. The buck instantly turns my way..just looking. I give another quick, short grunt, and he heads up the trail I'm on at a trot. I couldn't believe it! He passes my first scent bomb, and slows at my second. He takes 2 more steps, and is about 12 yards from me. He was steep quartering too me, and I hit him just inside of his right front shoulder. He runs right at me,and turns about 10 feet from me. He is running like nothing is wrong, though I can see his right front leg hanging. I fired again, missing, and he piles up on this huge boulder, hard. He is on his back, and he gets up running again, taking a sapling totally out of the ground. He finally crashes for good. I can't believe after 17 seasons I finally killed a buck I walk over to him, and the first thing I notice is his right G2 is broken off. Then I notice it is sticking out of his back. When he crashed he must have stabbed himself, and broke the antler. It isn't a huge buck, but I couldn't be happier

Here is a pic of the deer with his antler stuck in him. Iwouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself!


Here isa pic of me with my first buck


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Re: SCORED!!! First


It looks like his legs are cut off in it.......

[/ QUOTE ]

I never even noticed that in the pics. It sure does look that way, don't it? He thrashed around for about 30 seconds when he fell for the last time. The legs must have gotten under the leaves from all his kicking.

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