how many leave your stands out year round?


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How many of you leave your stands in the tree year round? I used to rip them out every year, but this year was too lazy to do so. I was just wondering if it makes that much of a difference?

Who leaves them and who rips them?

I figured if I leave them out, I could have more time putting up new stands this summer.

What are your thoughts?--rossman

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Guest lobsterman

Re: how many leave your stands out year round?

i have 2 ladderstands out rite now, i keep them up year round.....have masterlocks just in case.

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?


I leave my stuff out year round, but I hunt private property that's posted and all of the gates are locked.

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Yep, same here. Both my uncles and I leave most of our stands up year round. We move them sometimes because we usually hunt in a different location for bears than we do for deer. Very slim chances of having it stolen around here! It'd be hard to get into it the land to get it.

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?

If I ever put out a permanent stand, I take them down before gun season. They don't last long around here. I've had 2 or 3 stolen so I don't even use them anymore.

Now Ohiobucks is going to come in here and say something smart, but those are his stands, and yes, I do use them on occasion.

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?

i leave most of mine . i only picked up 1 that is near a snowmobile trail that everybody could see way to easily

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?


Now Ohiobucks is going to come in here and say something smart, but those are his stands, and yes, I do use them on occasion.

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Not anymore you don't. I would have taken mine down last Saturday, but someone (not going to name names) decided that cutting firewood for him sounded like a better idea.

A little side note for anyone interested, if this certain someone (not naming names again) asks you if you want to take a walk this weekend while you are talking to him about shed hunting, it really means help him cut wood. Make up some lame excuse, like "I am having my carpet stretched, I can't," and leave it at that. wink.gif

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?



Now Ohiobucks is going to come in here and say something smart, but those are his stands, and yes, I do use them on occasion.

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Not anymore you don't. I would have taken mine down last Saturday, but someone (not going to name names) decided that cutting firewood for him sounded like a better idea.

A little side note for anyone interested, if this certain someone (not naming names again) asks you if you want to take a walk this weekend while you are talking to him about shed hunting, it really means help him cut wood. Make up some lame excuse, like "I am having my carpet stretched, I can't," and leave it at that. wink.gif

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Told ya.

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?

Some stands I take down every year and some stands I take down every couple of years. Some stands pulled are going to be moved to another location anyway. Any stand that has a seat on it that can't be removed and tend to get chewed up by critters gets pulled. There are a few hang on stands that I leave out almost every year that I only use for bowhunting. They are located on proven hunting spots that are good year after year during the early bowseason. I pulled the seats off of those stands because they weren't comfortable and I use a portable seat that I carry in with me whenever I hunt them. A few others left out are ladder stands. All the stands left out must still be loosened on the tree so the tree doesn't grow over them. That goes for stick ladders too.

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Re: how many leave your stands out year round?

All mine stay up.

However each summer I inspect each for safety (about 10 in all) and maintaint them as needed, on the tree!

Mine are super heavy all steel welded home made jobbies so moving them is a major undertaking.

I literally need the atv winch to raise and lower them.


No one even thinks about stealing them.

They would be crazy to try...

They would be in for one heck of a long haul and would deserve them if they could get them off the tree, up and down the ridge, threw the woods and open fields, and off my property.

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