2002 mathews sq2

Guest adowns99

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Guest adowns99

guys i blew out the left knee, and i am having acl surgery on the 14th. so obviously i cant work for quite a while. Therefore i have made the decision that maybe the family needs the money more than i need my bow. So i am considering selling it. It's a 2002 model mathews sq2, 60 lb. draw, 28.5 inch draw. it got a new string before this last season. has a trophy ridge drop zone rest, toxonics 3 pin fiberoptic sight, doinker hunter stabilizer, string leaches with an extra set, a 1 piece string loop with no knots, and i will throw in the hard case it has been stored in. I am not sure what the bow is worth, i'll check on ebay, but pm me some bids if you are interested. thanks for looking and good luck.

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