Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??


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Only time I see them is when we're brushhogging in the summer. I know there is a den somewhere close to my house, but I dunno where it is. I have heard it is huge, and it can't be a wives tale because I have heard it from too many different people.

How do I go about finding a rattlesnake den??

Anyone that hunts rattlesnakes??

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

YIKES !!!!

Sounds like a pretty scary thing to be doing if you ask me....Makes me glad I live in Vermont not much here for poisionous snakes. I think I would leave that job to the proffesionals and observe from long distance ( LIKE ANOTHER STATE ) LOL. Good luck with the snake hunting and be safe !!!

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

You guys crack me up.....all we have are a bunch of hills (most call them mountains, but technically they are not)

Rock ledges/piles are everywhere in the timber. The snakes we see when brushhogging are after the rats and mice more than likely. Sure would like to see a den, just not too closely. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

There has to be a mother of all dens though...I just dunno how to find it. crazy.gif

If I do, I'll take some pyrodex of something and blow that dude up. idea....take guys on guided rattlesnake hunts!!! That would be awesome! Snakeskins are worth a lot of $Bling$ also.......

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??


I used to live near San Antonio, Florida.

Where they hold an annual event called the RattleSnake Frestival.

I'm sure you could find someone there that could help you...LOL....but you just missed it last month.

October 16 & 17

San Antonio, Florida

Weekend of the 3rd

Saturday in October

Since 1967


Just be glad your not sufferring an infestation of Alligator Snapping Turtles


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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??


Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

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I hunt'em with a machine gun... shocked.gif

But heck Ryan, all you have to do is put on that camo thong and sneak up behind them. Once they see ya in that. It's over! They won't even have a chance...LOL grin.gifgrin.gif j/k

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??



Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

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I hunt'em with a machine gun... shocked.gif

But heck Ryan, all you have to do is put on that camo thong and sneak up behind them. Once they see ya in that. It's over! They won't even have a chance...LOL grin.gifgrin.gif j/k

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO!!!! THats funny right there!

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

Wait until late winter or early spring, find a south or southeast facing rock bluff with lots of cracks and crevices, then get a garden sprayer and fill it with gas. Spray the gas into the cracks then step back. (BTW - no smoking or any other type of flame or spark). You can also substitute diesel, but I think gas works better. As the snakes come out, most snake hunters grab them with a long pair of tongs and stuff them into sacks or trash cans. If you decide to skin one, get ready to hold your nose, they stink plenty bad. But the meat is surprisingly tasty when deep fried.

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Re: Anyone know how to hunt rattlesnake??

You need to find yourself some "Snake in Heat" scent to use as an attractant. It's pretty rare and hard to find, but it works great. Another way to tip the odds in your favor is to bait them. Tie a small kitten to a tree near some rocky ledges and wait for the rattlers to come stampeding in for a tasty meal. grin.gif

Oohhh, I'm gonna' get it for that one. wink.gif

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