I need some advise on the coyotes

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I have been doing some contest and have been able to call up everything except coyotes. I use Randy andersons calls with the cotton tail or jack rabit call. I have even tried howling and still i have not been able to get a coyote to come in. I know they are on the place I hunt on but I guess i am just doing something wrong. I was wondering if any of yall have some advise for me.



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Re: I need some advise on the coyotes

Its possible that the coyotes in the area are "educated" already. We have hunted places that we see coyotes on a regular basis. We go out and call in good weather with the wind in our favor and at best we get them to howl back and then they go to barking. We have tried all different calls and we have gotten the same results each time. I have yet to figure out what the problem is other than someone before us educated them.

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Re: I need some advise on the coyotes

After watching the primos video with Randy Anderson, "calling all coyotes" several times, I have come to the conclusion that around here it is nowhere near as easy as they make it look on the videos. Have used primos kiyi and hot dog calls here and havent had any luck with calling coyotes on my place. I know there are a lot of them around, as far as them being educated, not so sure anyone else around is trying to call them.

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Re: I need some advise on the coyotes

Keep trying and get all the info you can, videos, forums, magazines and just keep trying. I'm sure Glenn Guess will respond to your post, he's very knowledgeable on predator hunting. How long are you calling? What is your setup? Wind? Lots of variables. Keep trying!

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Re: I need some advise on the coyotes

Ya I guess it will just take time and more practice. Thanks for the tips and I will post one one if I am ever successful.

I must be doing something right I called up the cat and the coons that my cusing gus posted that said fisrt called cat.

Thanks again,


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Re: I need some advise on the coyotes

Keep after them and be sure to change up your calling tactics. If your hunting the same places each time you definitely need to change up your calling. Try starting off with a few greeting howls and then wait a few minutes and go into a distress call. Coyote pup or canine pup distress works good - the open reed call Gus has can do either of these distress sounds. Good luck and let us know how ya'll do.

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