Should I sight it in again?


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I wasn't thinking and leaned my 243 against a tree Saturday and it slipped and fell. It didn't drop far and I'm not sure if the scope even hit. When I sighted it in earlier in the week, my final 3 shots were about a quarter inch apart at 100 yards. I've got weaver mounts holding a Nikon Pro-staff scope.

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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: Should I sight it in again?

Shoot it before you go, don't wanna miss that buck of a lifetime, or injure him and not be able to find him, i say shoot it, better to be safe than sorry.

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Re: Should I sight it in again?

Ya know folks I have heard this advice over and over and to be honest I do it too if I knock my gun wrong.

However wouldn't it be true that the massive recoil of a gun being fired be far more "shock" to your scope then the gun falling from being leaned against something, or knocking the barrel against the door jam of your truck, etc...????

I know my 300 ultra mag has major recoil and the gun/scope is never off year after year.

I still check it reguardless..

Not because I think it might be, just more for piece of mind that its still a tack driver....

But just seems IMO the recoil would make all scopes go crazy if a little knock seesm to concern us.


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Re: Should I sight it in again?

you did the right thing as i made a mistake one time and if not for a tree i would of never figured it out but i was able to put a different scope on and get it right. never go out and try to shoot when you've dropped the gun or it has fallen sometimes the littlest bump can create problems. good luck on your sext trip out

rob k

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