How many Deer have you taken??


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Re: How many Deer have you taken??

I've been hunting since I was 12. The year of 2002 I got a 6 pointer as my first deer and first buck. In 2003 I missed 2 does. blush.gif Only by a little bit though. The first doe I shot hair off of the bottom of her chest and the second one we found the bullet lodged into a tree which was 3 inches from the does heart/lung area. The year of 2004 I helped my uncle take a yearling buck. This year I got a spike that weighed 190lbs field dressed. So 3 deer and all bucks.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: How many Deer have you taken??

This is actually something I have written in a note book back home, for the fact that I cant remember all of it (details and all). I have been hunting deer since I was 13 and am now 21. I have taken between 28-30 (see why I need the book). Pretty balanced. About 8 with my first gun a (270), 12 or so with my 25-06, 1 with my encore 260 pistol, 3 with a my encore muzzelloader, and 3 with a bow.

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Re: How many Deer have you taken??

I was spoiled my first year. In 2003 I went out three times, I got three deer. First hunt, a muley doe with the .243 scoped pump. Second, went out at 12:00 had a big whitetail button buck at 12:30 with the .243 scoped single-shot. And the third, a large "butterball" whitetail doe with the CVA in-line bolt action .50 muzzleloader. All told that year, I spent only 4 and a half hours deer hunting! I havn't even fired a shot w/ bow, rifle, or muzzleloader at a deer since then. frown.gifgrin.gifcrazy.gifwink.giftongue.gif


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