Food Plot Sugguestions

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What county?

I'm in Licking, and I plant little food plots. They tend to attract small numbers of deer here and there. The problem with a food plot in my neighborhood is that I'm surrounded by literally thousands of acres of corn, beans, alfalfa, wheat, etc. Tough to draw deer to me consistently with the use of a food plot.

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Re: Food Plot Sugguestions

This post belongs in the land management room, Todd should be able to help you better.

Corn is a decent supplement, but it won't build rack too much, it lacks in the protein department.

I can tell you that Guernsey has all the ingredients for big deer, but you're probably fighting what everyone else in Ohio is fighting, and that's letting the bucks get old enough. Way too many people killing buttons and 1 year olds.

Some sort of clover might be the way for you to go if you're looking to develop rack through nutrition.

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Re: Food Plot Sugguestions

This would be better suited to be in the land and wildlife management room. Have had good results with clovers for perenials. Pennington and hamann farms put out some good quality clover blends.

For annuals rye and winter wheat in the fall, and have heard good things about brassicas, but have not had much experience with using them personally. Spring/summer annuals soybeans, peas, lablab and sorghum work well.

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Guest Eastky_Bowhunter

Re: Food Plot Sugguestions

I hunt Harrison & Jefferson County Ohio and know how hard it is the get the deer out of the cropfields. You might want to try Buck Forge Oats. I have not used them yet but plan on using them this fall.

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Guest generallee

Re: Food Plot Sugguestions

soybeans is a great option. I only see one problem with that, and that is that if your only planting 1/2 acre, then the young soybean plants may not be able to handle the heavy grazing. Soybeans at any stage of maturity are very attractive to whitetails, so you might want to look into something like plotsaver to help get those plants a little bigger so they can better handle the grazing.

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