sex and religion


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Re: sex and religion

I don't know what priest you talked to, but sex in communion with marriage is for companionship too.

I copied this from Gaudium et Spes, or The Second Vatican Council.


Marriage to be sure is not instituted solely for procreation; rather, its very nature as an unbreakable compact between persons, and the welfare of the children, both demand that the mutual love of the spouses be embodied in a rightly ordered manner, that it grow and ripen. Therefore, marriage persists as a whole manner and communion of life, and maintains its value and indissolubility, even when despite the often intense desire of the couple, offspring are lacking.

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Re: sex and religion


John, remember the Pope? Seems if my memory serves me there were some interesting posts in here not so long back after he passed discussing how some seemed to in a sense almost view him as something other than man?

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I know this is off topic, but I believe, and since I am not Catholic any Catholic members please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the reason the Pope is held in such high regard specifically by Catholics is that historically he is considered to be Christ's emissary here on earth.

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Re: sex and religion


but I believe that the reason the Pope is held in such high regard specifically by Catholics is that historically he is considered to be Christ's emissary here on earth.

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Yep, the man has a direct line to God. grin.gif

I think he carries that phone around in the Popemobile. wink.gif

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