If you could pick only one..


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Re: If you could pick only one..

Swampy I honestly couldn't answer that question without putting my hands on every single bow I've thought about buying before. As you know the feel of a bow is a personal thing.

Unfortunately all of the bows I've considered are not readily avaliable close to home here since we only have 1 true archery shop left. For example, there isn't a Hoyt dealer within 75 miles of my house.

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Re: If you could pick only one..

If it were free, I would look through all the price tags and pick the most expensive one and then sell it on ebay. Then I would continue shooting and hunting with my Mathews MQ-32. It's all set up just the way I want it, killing deer, and shooting just fine.


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Re: If you could pick only one..

Man just one!!!LOL.I could think of a nice sized list of bows that I would take for free.LOL.Here's a couple I could get used to I think.I am totally satisfied with my PSE Firestorm.Its a sweet little bow!!!!

PSE-Scorpion,Primos and Shark(in target color)


Mathews-Switchback XT

Black Widow for a recurve

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Re: If you could pick only one..

I've owned a bunch of compounds. Over time they get long in the tooth from a technology front. Still have my first compound, Allen/Jennings 6 wheel and the first ever production compound but she sits idle with only a session once in a blue moon.

But one bow has stood the test of time for me. My Blackwidow TF recurve. She's still shooting and hunting 36 years later and I had her given to me by my Dad as a used bow. Recurves never grow old.

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