Moving Targets...Lots of Fun

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Well the other day I decided to try something new. I had become bored with shooting my shiloettes with my .22 mag so I decided I try something I had seen on TV about snipers and their training. What they did to train for hostage situations was tie two different colored ballons to a RC car. Then they would drive the car around at about 100 yd.s or so The objective was to pop one balloon without hitting the other. Well I don't have an RC Car nor the helium to make them float. So I blew up two different colored balloons tied a piece of fishing line to a branch with a paper clip on the end and stuck both balloons on the paper clip useing the end with the knot. Both balloons just hang there and 'dance' in the wind.

It was really windy the day we went out and those balloons moved a lot. It was a real challenge. The girlfriend and I were back about 70 yd.s with my .22mag shooting off a bipod.

It was alot of fun.

Just thought I would share this idea with others that are bored with stationary targets.

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Re: Moving Targets...Lots of Fun

Pretty cool but that was a bit too close. For a 22 Mag you should extend the distance to 100-150 yards or so. Its more like long range hunting that way. Another fun exercise is to have someone place balloons of different sizes at unknown distances from 100 to 400 yards. Shoot them with just about any centerfire from .223 and up. That will humble you quickly. Oh yeah, rangefinders are not allowed. We use your monofilament method but used arrows. This makes the targets about 2' off the ground and there are no trees to help with range estimation. Its tough.

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Re: Moving Targets...Lots of Fun


Can you really shoot at that distance with a .22 mag?

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Sure can! I sight mine in zero at 100 yards and its 6" low at 150 yards. The bullets are still supersonic at 100 yards. The wind can play havock with it though. At 150 yards a 10 mph cross wind will move the POI a full foot. Learning to be accurate with the 22 lr at 75-100 yards and the 22 Mag out to 150 yards shows you how centerfire guns can act at 400+ yards. Its good training.

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Re: Moving Targets...Lots of Fun

Thanks, I never had a clue that it would be accurate that far away crazy.gif I always figured the the L.R. might be accurate out to 50 yards or so !! Any idea how much drop with a high velocity LR would be at 75 yards, with a dead-on 50 yard bullet ?? Thanks, now I need to shoot again LOL.


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