How often do you find shed in the same spots.???


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Re: How often do you find shed in the same spots.???

I just pulled my map out of my elk antler "honey hole". I've found 26 elk sheds in a very small 1/2 square mile area and 9 on the same hillside sometimes within feet of where I found them in previous years. It's just a great place for them to be at that time of year. Many more than that have come out of this area during that time - 26 is just how many I've picked up.

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Re: How often do you find shed in the same spots.???

I've got a few areas that produce sheds year after year.Sometimes within yards of where they were found the year before.One buck I found his matched sets back to back years 100yds apart.

Now the county is trying to cut back the herds and most my areas are going to pot.

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Re: How often do you find shed in the same spots.?

thers a low fence crossing the deer generaly jump over to get to a late winter food source and it produces a couple of sheds every year within 20 yards or so either way i think they high traffic and the jar of the jump have a lot to do with it

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Re: How often do you find shed in the same spots.?

so far i haven't found any sheds this year so i went with one of my buddies which seems to find some every time he goes out. while walking with him i heard him yell and hold up two antlers which were laying in a water way in a field. i could see from about 20 feet away they looked alike and after we looked at them they were from the same deer but the same side. so we decided the one was from the previous year. they were laying less than 5 feet apart! i would have not believed it if i hadn't seen it. after that he found 2 others and i didn't find anything.

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