New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA


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New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA

Posted On March 08, 2006

In December the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) made a big public splash by unveiling documents obtained from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under a Freedom of Information Act request. At the time, the ACLU released only a few dozen pages from its FBI treasure trove, selected to bolster its case that the federal government was spying on groups including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) despite what it called "a lack of evidence" that PETA was "engaging in or supporting violent action." But during the past few weeks, the ACLU's website has been quietly updated to include more than 200 additional pages of the FBI's files on PETA. And this new material indicates a solid connection between PETA and the animal-rights movement's violent underbelly.

The complete set of pages, finally available on the ACLU's website (look for a link titled "Full set of PETA documents"), includes some disclosures that PETA will not be happy about -- and which indicate that the FBI knows exactly what it's doing.

If you don't relish the thought of wading through 227 pages of heavily redacted FBI files, we've collected the most interesting material on our website. Click here to read the FBI's conclusions that (among other things) PETA recruits interns from overseas for "the sole purpose of committing criminal acts." One witness interviewed by the FBI (whom other sources have indicated was a former long-term PETA employee) also told the feds that PETA was formed as a cover for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).

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Re: New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA

Now isn't that a surprise. I always thought that these people have too much time and money on their hands. The same people believe that they should dictate what you and I do when It comes to hunting but keep your hands off of them when their beliefs are questioned. The sad part Is that we have to take them serious or they will cut our hunting rights off at the neck.

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Re: New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA


Now isn't that a surprise. I always thought that these people have too much time and money on their hands. The same people believe that they should dictate what you and I do when It comes to hunting but keep your hands off of them when their beliefs are questioned. The sad part Is that we have to take them serious or they will cut our hunting rights off at the neck.

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Good point, that always finds its way into my ethical debates about hunting. That and the fact that anyone who eats meat and claims hunting is unethical is instantly marked in my book as a hypocrite. Perhaps if Peta stepped back and noticed that we have many of the same goals as them such as:

Preserving wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Humane treatmeant of animals

And an underlying respect and love for both the animals and outdoors.

But to put this in perspective... the activist community has the "right" to express their views, but I know there are people in both the activist and hunting community that no one is proud to be asssociated with.

Whats bad though is up here PETA is starting buy land and outfitter operations to ensure that they are dorment. So i think the government will soon have to put laws in place to make sure the tags are being used or we will lose our hunting community.

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Re: New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA

PETA is one of hundreds of fronts for violent actions against humans. It amazes me the irony in each and every one's actions though. They show time and again that they value animals over any human whether it be a baby or and elderly old woman. They have even gone so far as to dig up dead bodies and hide them or scatter their remains to punish the people they don't like. Sick people with too much time on their hands. What's worse is that they are outnumbered by the people that approve or aren't against hunting and yet they still out support us by a large percentage. I think we need to join together and form one solid hunting, fishing and outdoors group to fight this bleeding heart movement and establish our rights once and for all. Put the NRA and USSA and all of the others in one group fighting for one cause. Each battle we win affects us all and if we can put this petty arguing aside for the greater cause then we can eventually get what everyone is after....freedom to do what we have loved all of our lives and in the ony way we know how, the responsible way.

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Re: New FBI Smoking Guns Point To PETA


I think we need to join together and form one solid hunting, fishing and outdoors group to fight this bleeding heart movement and establish our rights once and for all.

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I dont think thats ever likely to happen.Hunters are to argumenative and broken up into to many little sub-groups.Bowhunters dont like gun hunters, traditionalists dont like modern hunters, then theres baiting, hound hunting, treestand vs spot and stalk, and a million other variations of these.Theyll even argue over wjhos got the better bow/gun.look at the past Hoyt vs. Mathews posts.90% of hunters are so set in thier ways it would take a mirical to band them together. crazy.gif

Sorry about the typos, aint had my coffee yet grin.gif

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