Piebald Robin


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Re: Pibald Robin

Very cool. Got to love odd colored animals. We used to have an albino starling that visited our feeders all the time. Eventually he stopped coming back so I figure he was caught by one of our pigeon hawks or redtailed hawks probably, or even a cat or shot by one the local kids and their air guns. We also have a chocolate phase canada goose that I can sit out in the yard and it will walk right up to me.


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Re: Pibald Robin

Cool. I have read in the past that some birds will get a fungus, and when the feathers return they are white. Birds also have albinism traits too.

Only reason I know this is because I looked it up one day a few years ago when I saw a robin in my yard that had an all white head.

Albinism is more prevalent in robins than any other bird according to one sight I read.

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Re: Pibald Robin


Thats pretty cool Steve.

Birds can be tough to get pics of, especially close up. I tried Saturday morning to get some pics of some red tailed hawks while I was walking through the woods as I was being careful not to step on any snakes.

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Yeah, I was trying to get closer for better pictures, but it just wouldn't let me do it. I was moving in for a good shot of his back and he decided to vacate the neighbourhood.

I'm glad I clicked these ones off, before he took off. I was zoomed in as much as I could just to get these out-of-focus, but better-than-nuthin pics

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Re: Pibald Robin



Thats pretty cool Steve.

Birds can be tough to get pics of, especially close up. I tried Saturday morning to get some pics of some red tailed hawks while I was walking through the woods as I was being careful not to step on any snakes.

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Yeah, I was trying to get closer for better pictures, but it just wouldn't let me do it. I was moving in for a good shot of his back and he decided to vacate the neighbourhood.

I'm glad I clicked these ones off, before he took off. I was zoomed in as much as I could just to get these out-of-focus, but better-than-nuthin pics

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I agree very difficult to get closeup pictures of birds. Normally I bait them with bread. lol Of course it's better to hide the bread in a nearby tree stump and wait them out rather than what I did here, as then you have a big plate of bread in your picture with the bird. lol wink.gif


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Re: Pibald Robin


Cool pic! That goose looks more like a half-breed.

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Nope not a half-breed. I watched it's parents, two normal Canadian Geese, build a nest at the end of my yard and raise him from a little one. He flys with the group of Canadians all the time and even had one clutch of young himself last year with a normal Canadian and they all looked like normal geese when they got bigger. It's just a genetic color variation.

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