Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


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Guest Andrea

Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


feverishly hand sew several shirts and more loin cloths from several bobcat hides laying out behind the shed. When they were done sewing they...

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got up and announced that they were NO LONGER going to be doing housework or sewing or other stereotypical garbage. They came to camp for RELAXATION. And anyone who wanted their dinner served or dishes washed or their BOBCAT BRITCHES sewn...would have to go home and ask their WIVES. mad.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


Andrea and Alisha were talking to the police about being asked to do dishes.It was an accident officer. I was cleaning my fingernails with a hunting knife and than-- --------

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Than.....everyone at camp explained to doughboy 1956 that it is THEN, not than grin.gif

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up



Andrea and Alisha were talking to the police about being asked to do dishes.It was an accident officer. I was cleaning my fingernails with a hunting knife and than-- --------

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Than.....everyone at camp explained to doughboy 1956 that it is THEN, not than grin.gif

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Then take me to court. Your honor Doughboy can,t spell. Should get twenty to life. Then--- crazy.gif

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


Andrea and Alisha were talking to the police about being asked to do dishes.It was an accident officer. I was cleaning my fingernails with a hunting knife and than-- --------

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Then everyone went to sit by the campfire to warm themselve when suddenly there was an odd noise from the treeline. They drew straws to see who would investigate and guess who won....

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up

faint. ..They just can't take the sight of blood. They sure did look funny laying there with their eyes rolled back. It was good to see bobcat briefs on Luke finally. I thought I was going blind.

Alisha and Andrea finally started to stir, rolled their eyes back around, and said .....wha

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


another noise from the woods. The Gunny tried to take aim, but shot himself in the other foot...

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Laughing at the Gunny, in to the clearing walks gobblerbane08 with a recurve bow in hand and dragging a 150 lb. tom cougar. "Shot this cat in mid-air at thirty yards as he was jumping from...from a...Luke! Why are you wearing bobcat underpants? Did you burn the loin cloth again? grin.gif

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Re: Lets see if we can do this then Ill type it up


because my lips just froze to my beer can....hearing that muff jumped up to go get more wood for the fire when he came back he could not belive what he saw........

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The whole camp was trying to recreate the campfire scene from "Blazing Saddles". Fearing a possible methane explosion Muff ran to his pink VW Bug and grabbed a........

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