Most palatable food plot for summer/early fall?


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In the winter, when we plant a field of winter rye or wheat, deer will walk through all our other crops to eat the rye. But these fields usually don't get action until after the November gun season.

I'm looking for a plot that will work in early bow season.

What will make deer walk through alfalfa, soybeans and corn to eat my food plot? I've had hits and misses with clover plots. Is there a specific kind of clover that deer like better than others? Any other type of food plot?


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Re: Most palatable food plot for summer/early fall?

They really seem to like the mix of clovers in penningtons clover and rye supreme rackmaker blend. Here is a link rackmaker. Got an old bag out in the garage, can look and see exactly what types of clovers are used.

Might also consider checking with Martin on his clover/trefoil blends. He has some great seed blends.

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Re: Most palatable food plot for summer/early fall?

I've read recently that deer will walk past anything, including acorns, to get to new-growth soybeans. You could try a fall planting of the beans instead of the traditional spring planting. I'm considering it for this year on a small plot to see what happens.

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Re: Most palatable food plot for summer/early fall?

Penningtons rackmaker clover is a blend of osceola ladino, yuchi arrowleaf, and dixie reseeding(crimson) clover.

On the beans, we had pretty good results from our lablab plus plot that we had planted late summer on into the winter here. I will probably plant beans and peas mixed with sorghum late again here this year.

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