It's time!!!!!!!

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Well, anyone who paid attention to this forum over last spring & summer, knows about my passion for chipmunk hunting. Well, yesterday, I was notified of a chipmunk that had been seen in the backyard scrapping up seed from underneath the bird feeder.

This morning, I filled up the feeder before it got light out to test him. Then at about 7:00 AM, here he comes. He popped out under the fence and began snacking away at what was on ground. I didn't shoot because I had to go to school in a half hour plus eat breakfast, etc..

So I come home from school today and have an hour and a half before work. I look out my window at 3:21 PM and there he is, bounding away from the feeder through the gate this time.. I grab the gun, throw on the boots and head out. He heads down a hill, the same hill my deer rolled down. blush.gifgrin.gif So he stops behind a tree and I attempt to get closer and he spots me and takes a couple more hops away. I pick up the gun, find him in the scope and take off my safety and... dang, he moved. crazy.gif I then relocate him on a stump and attempt to get closer. I close the distance to about 10 yards and then out pops this little head above a tree root. He is staring at me, I couldn't do anything without blowing it. But then of course a deer about 50 yards away has to snort and scare the chipmunk.

I didn't shoot at him so technically, I'm still 0 for 0 on shots this year. I can't wait for the chipmunks really to wake up. The killing will commence. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: It\'s time!!!!!!!


what are shooting chipmunks with? and is there anything left?

[/ QUOTE ]

A .177 caliber pellet gun. Yes there is plenty left, but it's not about that. It is about killing. I know that's what hunting isn't about, but with varmints, that's all it is. I think I see another debate about shooting chipmunks coming on... soo.. I will post a link to the thread from last year where everything was debated and resolved.

1st Chipmunk of last year

If that thread doesn't clarify everything for you, feel free to PM me.

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Re: It\'s time!!!!!!!

UPDATE: The bugger showed up today again after I came home from school. I didn't have work today so I was clear to shoot him... I grabbed the pellet gun, opened up the bedroom window, grin.gif , and took a pop. I didn't know that my gun was hitting about a foot high!!! blush.gif I am 0 for 1 this year. I totally missed. He's mine this Friday. We don't have school due to a super intendants meeting or whatever. But they are calling for snow Friday, which means that the chipmunks are gonna head back into hibernation temporarily until it gets warm out again. I hope the snow misses us, but then again I don't.. frown.gifblush.gifgrin.gif We'll have to wait and see. I will keep you guys updated!!!

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