I hate liberals


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Re: I hate liberals


I hate their ideas and tactics, but not them personally.

BTW - Just because I hate their ideas, I'll still be the first to stand up and say they have a right to believe those ideas, even if they're wrong. My job is to show them how they're wrong and convince them that conservatism is right.

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Couldnt have said it any better.

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Re: I hate liberals



I hate their ideas and tactics, but not them personally.

BTW - Just because I hate their ideas, I'll still be the first to stand up and say they have a right to believe those ideas, even if they're wrong. My job is to show them how they're wrong and convince them that conservatism is right.

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Couldnt have said it any better.

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exactly!!!!! grin.gif

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Re: I hate liberals


BTW - Just because I hate their ideas, I'll still be the first to stand up and say they have a right to believe those ideas, even if they're wrong. My job is to show them how they're wrong and convince them that conservatism is right.

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Well said but do liberals realize how stupid they sound with the way they believe??

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Re: I hate liberals

I also can not say I hate liberals, i hate there ideas and way of thinking, more than anythign I feel sorry for them that they were raised in a way they have no idea what is going on in the world!!

Next tiem you see a liberal instead of arguing just say I am really sorry I feel for you problem!! lOL

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Re: I hate liberals


I hate their ideas and tactics, but not them personally.

BTW - Just because I hate their ideas, I'll still be the first to stand up and say they have a right to believe those ideas, even if they're wrong. My job is to show them how they're wrong and convince them that conservatism is right.

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Exactly! But, I can say that I HATE MTV!!!!!!!! mad.gif

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Re: I hate liberals



BTW - Just because I hate their ideas, I'll still be the first to stand up and say they have a right to believe those ideas, even if they're wrong. My job is to show them how they're wrong and convince them that conservatism is right.

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Well said but do liberals realize how stupid they sound with the way they believe??

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Do conservatives realize how intolerant and hateful they make themselves out to be with what they believe?

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Re: I hate liberals


Do conservatives realize how intolerant and hateful they make themselves out to be with what they believe?

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Don't confuse intolerance with taking a strong stand on one's beliefs. Interolerance indicates an unwillingness to accept someone or a situation that can't be changed (e.g. someone's race or economic status). I don't see that type of behavior from either the leaders or the mainstream of the conservative movement.

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Re: I hate liberals

I guess maybe I am a liberal. I don't care if gay's get married, that's between them and God and isn't any of my business. I am all for stem cell research if it is going to help save lives. I do think we need to protect the trees, where else am I going to hunt? I am also pro-choice, there are enough children who no one loves or cares for. Abortion has been around for a LONG time and if it is made illegal it is going to be moved to the back alleys. I am not saying it is for me, but I am saying that it is NOT up to me to tell someone else they are wrong. I do think the government should help those less fortunate, not as a hand out, but a hand UP! If that makes me someone who should be hated then so be it. Just because someone believes opposite what I do doesn't mean I think they are ignorant or stupid, it just means we don't agree and we don't need to! I think I like what thunter1 wrote:

"I don't hate liberals, I'm conservative and I don't expect anyone to hate me for my beliefs either. Thats why it's so great to live in a nation where people have paid the ultimate price so that we can all have our own beliefs. Without them we all would be in a mess liberal,conservative and the like."

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: I hate liberals

i hate liberal thought not them them selves but one thing is sure Bush is the man!!!!!!

all those liberals need to stop winning about the presidency casue the better man won

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Re: I hate liberals

i have several friends (not real friends i guess) but aquaintanences (sp?) that are liberals. I sure don't hate them but do strongly disagree with their views. I'm just glad that i live in a country that where people can have their own views.

I just wish we could take away their voting rights grin.gif

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Re: I hate liberals

I know everyone is joking about taking the right to vote away. wink.gifgrin.gif

But it sorta irritated me a bit. (Hey it is opening day of gun here and I worked and have been sick all weekend wink.gif)

But the right to vote is something that I strongly believe in. I encourage all to vote and never ever try to change the way one votes. Just to vote what they believe in. Even if it is against the way I believe.

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