Alpine rifle(made in UK) part help


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Hey guys, I have an opportunity to buy a bolt rifle called a Alpine in .243, it is made in England and was stopped being imported in 1987. The owner is looking for $300. Upon close examination of this gun, it was in decent shape with some marks from poorly storing the weapon in a case, the magazine has a hinged floor plate, but no mag follower. If this gun does not have the follower, then it is a single shot rifle. It does have the spring in the mag well, but no follower. Has anyone ever heard of a bolt gun with a internal mag, that has no mag follower? I'm thinking this part got lost or something by the previous owner. Is it a big deal to have a mag follower fitted in the same caliber?

Any info on this rifle or its magazine would be appreciated.

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Re: Alpine rifle(made in UK) part help

Hi Adjam5, getting a follower to slide over the spring should be no problem. Looks like a mauser action. These were imported from Firearms Co. Ltd. in England by Mandall Shooting Supplies, Inc. from Scottsdale, AZ. I finally found the gun in an old 1978 Gun Digest, which sold then for $224.95 (Custom Grade). Hope this helps,,,,Terry.

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Re: Alpine rifle(made in UK) part help

Terry thank you...I kind of thought it was a Mauser action.

It was overly big for a short action cartridge.

Mandall went out of biz a few months ago frown.gif Just my luck!

I'm gonna offer him 250 for it and look for a follower.

Thanks again!

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