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Just received this in an email, thought I would pass it on here!


Cindy & Chavez

Venezuela Dictator Vows To Bring Down U.S. Government

Venezuela government is sole owner of Citgo gasoline company

Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez has vowed to bring down the U.S. government. Chavez, president of Venezuela, told a TV audience: "Enough of imperialist aggression; we must tell the world: down with the U.S. empire. We have to bury imperialism this century."

The guest on his television program, beamed across Venezuela, was Cindy Sheehan, the antiwar activist. Chavez recently had as his guest Harry Belafonte, who called President Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world."

Chavez is pushing a socialist revolution and has a close alliance with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Regardless of your feelings about the war in Iraq, the issue here is that we have a socialist dictator vowing to bring down the government of the U.S. And he is using our money to achieve his goal!

The Venezuela government, run by dictator Chavez, is the sole owner of Citgo gas company. Sales of products at Citgo stations send money back to Chavez to help him in his vow to bring down our government.

Take Action

Please decide that you will not be shopping at a Citgo station. Why should U.S. citizens who love freedom be financing a dictator who has vowed to take down our government?

Very important. Please forward this to your friends and family. Most of them don't know that Citgo is owned by the Venezuela government.

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You know, while I do not particularly like Cindy Sheehan and the company she keeps, and Chavez is continuously inching himself closer to getting forcibly removed from power (we like doing that don't we) I didn't believe it when the post said that CITGO was owned by the Venezuelan state, normally, and LifeNRA can attest, I am pretty good at debunking these types of chain e-mails that are more sensationalistic than factual, but in this case, it is very true. I have to type in the link because for some reason this computer won't let me cut and paste the link, but on CITGO's site you will see who owns then and then there is another link taking you to info about the parent company.

If Chavez has any kind of remote intelligence he would back off what he says, because since CITGO is owned by the country he runs, basically we keep him in the lap of luxury, if we stopped using his products, no more Cubans and Enchiladas. I think it would be a good idea to include the CITGO links if this message is forwarded though so it can be backed up.

No more CITGO for me.

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