NY 2005 Season Changes


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Re: NY 2005 Season Changes

Thank you Lampliter for the alert!

I've got one word to say about the proposal:

(OK, I typed it in, but then had second thoughts)

I would rather see an early ML the last week of September, or between the early archery & regular seasons. I will activly seek out the proposed public meetings and make a point to attend! I'm also contacting the DEC today! (585)226-2466.


(ps, these forums are just awsome!)

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Re: NY 2005 Season Changes

WELCOME to PENNSYLVANIA!!! wink.gif We have had an early muzzleloader doe season during Archery for 3 yrs now. It's Oct. 16-23. Of course, we can bowhunt during that time-Archery doesn't close.

I don't like it, but I really don't think it has much of an affect on deer. Once the RUT heats up, bucks only got one thing on their mind! I took an antlerless on 10/23 and an 8 pt on 10/28 this year. You really don't hear many shots during that week. And we also have Jr./Sr using regular rifles 10/21-10/23.

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Re: NY 2005 Season Changes

I'm all for opening the archery season the 1st Sat in Oct but don't see why we can't still bowhunt during the early muzzle loader season.I don't think there would be too much hunting pressure by muzzle loaders to really disturb the deer and would like to be able to bowhunt during the early muzzle loader season.Either way I still think it's a plus for NY deer hunters.

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