Brother got his frst bow buck


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My brother called me the other night, he was pretty excited and asked me to go help him him look for a buck he just shot.Heres the story I got out of it.

He got to his stand and climbed up it.There wasnt a deer in sight and he just bought a new Primos can call.He took it out and was screwing around with it not expecting to see much till closer to dark.He was sitting there bleating on the the call when he noticed it had attracted the attention of one of the cows, it was walking towards him right through the middle of the rest of the cows.When it got clear of them he seen it was a buck and not a cow grin.gifIt came towards him and about the same time a doe jumped outta the thicket and into the field on the other side of him.The buck trotted up and stopped right in front of him, he drew back, aimed and shot.He didnt know at the time where his first arrow hit.The buck ran down the fenceline about 60 yrds and layed down.He sat till dark and watched the buck, it was in the weeds and he couldnt see it very well but it never moved.About dark he snuck down the fenceline towards the deer, he wasnt sure if it was dead or not.He got within abuot 10 ft of the deer and it jumped up and ran a few more feet and layed back down.So he nocked an arrow and walked up closer to it again.The buck stood up and just stood there broadside, He aimed and shot and was very suprised to see his arrow hit the deer clear back in the hindquarter.Thats when he left and came and got me.I trailed the deer into a thicket about 100 yrds from where he last shot him and found him lying dead.Now before I tell you where the first shot hit the deer I gotta say, I believe the sight or rest was loose on his bow, or something moved.Plus he had just switched broadheads that morning and we worked late so he didnt get a chance to shoot them before he went hunting to see where they were hitting, he assumed they would shoot the same as his old ones. Whatever the reason he was hitting about 30 inches off to one side, the deer had an arrow through both hindquarters crazy.gifOne in one side, one in the other side, both in almost the same spot on the quarter.But he cut an artery and it was a easy blood trail, I started to give him a little crap about his shot placement and thats when it dawned on me it was his frst buck with a bow.I thought back to my first buck and remembered my arrow also hit him in the butt cutting an artery, my broadheads were hitting my riser and and after the first shot I couldnt even get another arrow in him while he stood there trying to figure out what just happened.And I knew how terrible I felt afterwards untill the deer was recovered.So I just let it go, congratulated him on his deer and offered to look his bow over for him this weekend grin.gifOh yeah, it was a 4 pointer, nothing big but its a start

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Re: Brother got his frst bow buck

My first deer also I hit in the back end and hit an artery and it looekdl ike a lung shot with all the blood. Of course I've learned alot since then, it shows when the buck I got 2 weeks ago was a perfect shot through the lungs and knicked the heart. I have a better bow now also. Congrats to your brother!

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