Turkeys starting to strut in NY


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So I don't know if any of you NYer's are seeing any gobbler action but my mom told me that yesterday on the way home from class, my sister saw a huge flock (30-40) of turkeys and there was a turkey strutting! I have to ask her where it was but I suspect probably some random farmer's field somewhere. So now I have some initiative to go out and start scouting the state land where I found a turkey nest just this last June I think it was. wink.gif

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY

Yep Ruth I have been seeing turkeys strutting for about 10 days now.....we have a flock of turkeys hanging out in the field next to the house....a lot of strutting going on.......gets me pumped up !!

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Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY


I've been seeing them strut already too. Why is our season so late. It seams like by the time the season starts, they're all henned up. But, it get's the excitment going!!!!!


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They are still in bachelor groups and sorting out the pecking order. They're DISPLAYING to show dominance and get the underlings to back down. you'ld have very little luck with the birds right now if the season opened today.

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Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY


You're seing them Display at this point, not Strut. They are fanned out but they are NOT dragging their wing tips just yet.....that's the difference between Strutting and Displaying.......right now they're sorting out the pecking order.

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VT's right, I've been watching a group of turkeys this past couple weeks near my hunting property but on a friends(whos an anti also, so doesn't mind if we treck on or track an animal on his prop) property, a couple times I've watched four jakes walk around like big balls around the flocks, and I've noticed the jakes seem to stay within 10 feet of eachother, hence, the pecking order. I went out after they left and gathered some wing feathers, which weren't worn at all on the bottoms, but almost perfect, so they aren't dragging them just yet.

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Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY

well that might be true in canada, but i went and scouted my spot and sure enough, i have drag marks in the sand, so tehy are ready by me:)..also you sure it wasn't a hen feather, and even hens tips are usually worn down a little from dusting...all i know is my spot is ready to go and so am i

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Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY

Here in my area, the birds are still diplaying. They are still in good sized groups with 4-5 toms at least in each group. I have been out every morning for the past 6 days and have not heard a single gobble. Although this will change soon I suspect.

As far as Im concerned just seeing the large numbers of birds around is enough for me to get pumped up.


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Guest Eddiekaz

Re: Turkeys starting to strut in NY

Nothing gets you going like seeing those turkeys in the fields. It is to bad that NY doesn't start untill May 1st then you can only hunt till noon. I wish all of the NY turkey hunters the best of lick this year. As I was a New Yorker my self untill last year. I'll be trying the Colorado turkeys wood this year.

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