Matched Sets of Sheds.


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Those of you that find matched sets of shed: do you find them near by one another or a ways apart.

The couple sets I have found have always been near by, the furtherst one apart was about 20 yards.

Earlier this year I have found one good shedthat scores about 75. I have search around that area and have yet to find the other side. So now I am wondering if he carried it around for a while and droped it elsewhere or if I have just not stumbled in the right spot yet.

What do you guys think or have experience?

Should big sets be close by or can they be a long ways apart???

Thanks Todd.

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Re: Matched Sets of Sheds.

There really doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this. I have found them lying side by side and I've found them hundreds of yards apart. Doesn't even seem to matter what age the buck/bull is either.

I had the good fortune of watching a bull elk shed last winter (one year ago this week). Once the first antler came off, he went completely nuts and wasn't going to stand for that second antler to stay up there and so he kicked and bucked and danced around until it fell off about 30 seconds later and about 50 yards from the first one. Obviously not all critters react this way.

I don't think there is a good answer to your question.

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Re: Matched Sets of Sheds.

Of the few sets I have found, the closest set was right next to each other in the middle of a cornfield. The farthest set was about a mile apart and I found each side on different days. Another set, I found one side one year and about 1.5 years later, I found the other side maybe 1/2 mile away, a bit chewed but for sure the match.

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