Why im a republican....


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This is basically a rant. I dont come in here often but things have pulled my trigger. Ill rant and move on.... Btw, feel free to add to this.

1. When I was standing in the shower this morning at 5:00a.m. shaving, it was to support my family, not the family down the street that slept in until 11:00.

2. When the sky is blue I say its blue, not that its green to keep from offending anyone.

3. Illegal-alien. What about that isnt clear? It isnt Semi Legal alien with certain loop holes and rights/ dues in this country..... Its ILLEGAL-alien. There are legal ways into this country... Find one.

4. You walk into my house at midnight (unexpected) chances are there will be a gun pointed your direction. You have no legal right to sue or claim oppression. Infact bring your lawyer in at midnight. Ill shoot him too. You walk into my house with any bad intent be it robbery, theivery, rape, murder, etc.... You better be faster then bullets. If lawmakers have a problem with that because the "victom" lived a life of oppression.... See "Reason 1."

5. If you dont believe in Christianity that is your God given right (this county was founded on these principles. This was developed as a free country so it is in fact you God Given Right. Infact you know Chris thanked God for this country.). As your right, keep your mouth shut. If I wish to believe that Christ is the giver of all good things and that someday I will be in glory by faith, thats my God given right. If I believe in upholding his laws and way of life, that too is my God given right. Dont come to the local Christian college and hold a demonstration based on the fact that they look down on homosexuality! It is a private college and if you dont like the fact they follow the practices of the Bible, go somewhere else. There are other colleges that will accept your liberal agenda with open arms...

6. Murder is murder. Rape is rape. Theft is theft. Lets call it what it is. We all have challenges, strugles, and hurtles. Welcome to reality. If I hear one more person claim they werent loved as a child, or given the same chances, or poverty was to overwhelming..... Yada, yada, yada. I had my rear beat off on a regular basis. We were poor as dirt. And there were countless chances at life I missed out on because of the fact but I put my shoes on before daylight every morning and EARN for my family. I dont complain about it. I wont leach because I can. I take pride in my 6-month olds fat cheeks and I want her to grow with the value of life that ive come to respect. Life isnt easy and no one gets all the oppertunities. What makes the difference is when you decide youll be a part of society and not a leach.

im done for now....

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Re: Why im a republican....

I think what Jeramie is getting at is that almost everyone who DOESN'T agree with those statements will be a Democrat (or at least somewhere on the political left). Certainly I don't think every Democrat will find fault with what he says, but unfortunately most of the Democratic party leadership and spokespeople will. That's one of the things that's driving so many away from the party that used to truly be the "party of the common man" but is now the "party of the kook radical left".

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Re: Why im a republican....


ICertainly I don't think every Democrat will find fault with what he says, but unfortunately most of the Democratic party leadership and spokespeople will. That's one of the things that's driving so many away from the party that used to truly be the "party of the common man" but is now the "party of the kook radical left".

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That hit the nail on the head. I have nothing against most other affiliations as a whole but the political elite have used they name to boost their own agenda.

Btw, there were things that prompted this rant. Its not worth going into because events of the same magnatude happen everyday. I just get sick of the minority (or so called) stirring the pot and winning with no valid basis.

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Re: Why im a republican....



ICertainly I don't think every Democrat will find fault with what he says, but unfortunately most of the Democratic party leadership and spokespeople will. That's one of the things that's driving so many away from the party that used to truly be the "party of the common man" but is now the "party of the kook radical left".

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That hit the nail on the head. I have nothing against most other affiliations as a whole but the political elite have used they name to boost their own agenda.

Btw, there were things that prompted this rant. Its not worth going into because events of the same magnatude happen everyday. I just get sick of the minority (or so called) stirring the pot and winning with no valid basis.

[/ QUOTE ]


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