the energizer hog

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We've all heard stories about the one that wouldn't die and how many times he was shot ,while we stood and shook our heads in disbelief! This is one of those stories! I've taken hundreds of hogs over the years and this is only the second time it has happened!

We were running hogs dogs that belong to Michael Little and his brother Matthew! I've known both of these boys all their lives and they are the real deal when it comes to hunting! We were also joined by My wife ,Michelle and good friend Tony Tebbe.

We got a slow start the hogs didn't seem to be moving much and we weren't cutting any trails! we were on our way out to go to a new place, when the dogs struck from the truck,Michael turned'em out and the race was on,it was a short one! The dogs bayed and by the time we got to them you never heard so much grunting and gnashing of teeth! Michael shot the first hog at about five feet on a full run towards him, she dropped immediately.The dogs had split and the second group had a nice boar bayed and Michael was able to dispatch him as well.We had to field dress the boar to get him to the truck and the sow was drug to the top of a ridge overlooking the bottom where the hogs had been caught! As we drove around to get the sow we cut another trail and the dogs were released,this race was a bit longer probably about a mile .The dogs were bayed in a big flat above a mostly dried up lake bed,in a thicket that is almost impenetrable! As we approached the boar broke cover ,ran about a hundred yards and was bayed again in thicker cover! Tony was going to try and kill this hog, using Michaels rifle.He was finally able to pick out the boar's head through a fork in some trees and fired ,the brush erupted in squealing and dogs barking , the race was on again! The boar made a wide pass on the opposite side for where we were and Michelle ,who was still in a clearing was able to get of a shot ,an obvious hit,but the boar never slowed down! The dogs bayed this boar again in a creek bed towards the lake and this time Mathew was able to get off two shots with his handgun point blank in the shoulder again the boar breaks cover! At this point we're all thinking there is no way this hog can go another hundred yards! The dogs bay him again in a draw a quarter of a mile away almost in the lake bed,Again Matthew gets in a couple of shots ,solid hits! Again the hog breaks and crosses the lake **** to be stopped by a tight fence ,that in his state he could not go through, he is shot twice more and was still standing try to fight the dogs ,however the run was out of him! Michael finally runs in ,grabs him by the back legs rolls him and gets a knife in him! We all are relieved for this to all be over,but as we stand there talking about what had just happened the boar comes up off the ground makes one last defiant pass and me and Michael,then just as fast as that, it was all over!

this was an old boar and had lost much of his mass from age,he was torn and scarred from end to the other from years of fighting .he weighed approximately 250-260 pounds. We dubbed this boar the "Energizer Hog" because he kept going and going and going! Tony's shot had hit the hog low in the bridge of the nose,Michelle's shot and struck him low in the mid section{a complete pass through} and all of the handgun shots were located from the back of the shoulder to the middle of his neck!

We had one dog cut pretty bad on both back legs ,but he seems to be doing fine after receiving numerous stitches! The other two hogs were prime. The sow weighed around 160-170 pounds and the other boar around 200-210 pounds.





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