Lever Evolution

Guest andymansavage

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Re: Lever Evolution

I don't own a lever gun either. Not yet, but watching the video definitely has me thinking. That bullet and the new Marlin XLR series rifle in 30-30 with a 24" barrel Just may be on my shopping list before next fall. I just love the look of stainless and a gray/black laminated stock. smile.gif


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Re: Lever Evolution

I too don't own a lever gun, but I don't like them. Anyhow that's not the issue here. The LeverEVOLUTION ammo from Hornady is some pretty cool stuff. Some say that ballistic coefficient does not mean much in hunting guns. This proves that idea to be wrong. Here are the numbers for the arthritic old .30-30 Winchester cartridge:


Bullet Path


160 LE 150 RN 170 FP


100 +2.0" +2.0" +2.0"

150 +1.0" +0.6" -0-

175 -0.2" -1.1" -2.2"

200 -2.1" -3.7" -5.3"

225 -4.5" -7.0" -9.4"

250 -7.5" -11.4" -14.7"

275 -11.2" -16.8" -21.3"

300 -15.5" -23.4" -29.0"



Energy in ft/lbs


160 LE 150 RN 170 FP


100 1641 1279 1224

150 1468 1035 991

175 1382 929 892

200 1303 833 802

225 1229 747 722

250 1157 670 652

275 1089 602 591

300 1024 542 538

As you can see, the higher ballistic coefficient makes a big difference downrange.

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Re: Lever Evolution

The pressure should be the same as the others. If the 150 or 170 gr ammo works the LE stuff should be fine as well. The velocity is the same as the 150 gr factory stuff. Its not like its a Light Mag or High Energy version. Its basically using a 150 gr bullet that has a new soft tip.

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Re: Lever Evolution

This stuff was brought up once before...A friend of mine bought some and was realy impressed....he did have one question though...has there been any research as to what happens to the "soft tip" in super cold weather? I seem to remeber seeing it was fairly cold hardy but can't remember how cold...anyone know?

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Lever Evolution


Here are the numbers for the arthritic old .30-30 Winchester cartridge:

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that is funny. I hunt with one and mine is very accurate. I have read that some absolutely are terrible.

I do have to get a bottle of relafin out on occasion for it. Now I know why.

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