remington model 700 sps

Guest yarddog

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Guest yarddog

yes i saw a model 700 sps at walmart last night in 30-06 for $349. looked like a nice rifle and i would like to pick up a good 30-06. can anyone tell me if they have one and how it shoots and any problems with it. a few guys at work have bought them in 223 and sold them because poor accuracy cool.gif

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Re: remington model 700 sps

It's a Remington 700, that's it. They have different versions that are cosmetic or have different stocks, but the guts are the same. The actions are the same on all guns from the ADL to the best thing the Custom Shop sends out. I have nto seen one that I could not get down to at least 1 MOA at 100 yards. It may have taken a little work on the bedding or forend, but they usually get dialed in.

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Guest yarddog

Re: remington model 700 sps

ok but does anyone have one? and how does it shoot? i dont want to buy a gun and sink a lot of time and money at trying to fix it .if it is broke from the factory well it is still broke when i get it home

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Re: remington model 700 sps


if it is broke from the factory well it is still broke when i get it home

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There is a big difference between broke and does not meet your expectations. If you want an accuracy guarantee, buy a different gun. I seriously doubt you will get a "broke" gun. I'll lay dollars to donuts it will fire, feed, extract, and eject just fine.

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Re: remington model 700 sps

I have a 700 adl that came from wal mart over 10 years ago in .270. The gun has been and is a great shooting deer rifle.

Wal mart here has a really pretty 700 adl in .270 with a laminated wood stock for $438. Really sharp looking rifle, looks just like the varmint laminated stock rifles. If it were in a 30-06 I would buy the gun in a heartbeat, only reason I havent I really dont need another .270 right now and have my mind set on a 30-06.

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