Immigration Debate


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Guest Andrea

Re: Immigration Debate

Just got this in an email:

David M. Bresnahan

April 1, 2006

Dear President Bush:

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.

Thank you so much for your kind help.


David M. Bresnahan

© 2006 David M. Bresnahan - All Rights Reserved

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Re: Immigration Debate


11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

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... I do not see a problem with this. I hope you can fly any flag anywhere you wish just as long as it doesn't have a swastika on it. I know my American neighbors wouldn't think to foundly of me if I told them to take their flag down (not that I have a problem with it). As for the rest of the points, if they are true, then that is a serious problem. You must pardon me for my ignorance but I am trying to learn. perhaps a new approach is required, if the mexico can deveolope an independance and boost its economy, then you might not have mexicans cossing the river by the truckload. It is just a thought because it sounds like all ya'll are having a hard enough time controling the boarder. Instead of shippin em back maybe we should look at the root cause?

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Re: Immigration Debate

What do you guys think on the United States getting a national ID card? I heard that when it is in effect and say you and your wife are visting Canada,if she is pregnant and has the baby in Canada, the baby would not be allowed back in to the US without a card. Is that true? How much would it cost? How long before you will have to renew it? Just wondering here. Because of the gun registration here in Canada, i need a 1/2 ton truck just to carry all my cards. The new goverment that is in power now, in Canada, says it will do away with it. Hope they do, and soon. confused.gif

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Re: Immigration Debate


We already have a means of identifying U.S. citizenship. It's called a Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers.

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Yes i know that, so do we, but in response to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, there has been renewed interest in the creation of national ID cards.

It's already passed in the House, and the Senate will vote on it. And Bruce Schneier said it is a "must-pass" piece of legislation, which means that there has been no debate on REAL ID. No hearings, no debates in committees, no debates on the floor. Nothing.

So that is why i.m asking. I think our's is fine also, but if your goverment rams it through, what would you all think of it? Just wondering!!

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Immigration Debate

[/ QUOTE ]yes, but illegal immigrants are taking our american jobs away and invading, theres too many of them. When our ancestors came over from germany etc. there were jobs to be done, farming etc., now there isnt enough room for them. We cant take everyone.

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Its very true i think of there being no room atleast in my neck of the woods. As for them taking jobs if they come to this country legally thats fine then they have every right to have that job. If they are illegal then of course they should not even be aloud to stay in this country a law is a law and it shouldnt be broken.

My teacher said this to me" if a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family is it wrong" well of course its not but did he first ask if he could just have the bread or could he work for the bread and pay it off in laybor ?? thats the way i think of it of course they should be aloud in our country but why dont they just first ask and do it the right way. If they break the law once by sneaking in to the U.S. whats to say they wont break it again??

IMO if they are a good person and realy want to make a HONEST living they do it the right way and be LEGAL citizens and make that extra effort to be a better person. I hope that makes sense to everybody.

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Re: Immigration Debate


let's just shoot them all!

for those of you in the no child left behind program, that was a joke.

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I think we'll have just a little more fun in Sept....... Mr.B you're as bitter as myself and Charles. This could get interesting.


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Re: Immigration Debate

This pretty well sums it up.....

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

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Re: Immigration Debate


This pretty well sums it up.....

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

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And it sure seems that principle is slowly eroding away. Drivers license test in Spanish, road signs in Spanish.

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Re: Immigration Debate

I heard the other day on the radio that in GA, if you apply for a job at the DMV you have to be able to speak both english and spanish or you won't even be considered for the job. But a hispanic that speaks no english can receive a drivers license. How many road signs have you seen in spanish? Just a little food for thought.

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Re: Immigration Debate

While I do not necessarily agree with 100% amnesty, IMHO that is the only feasible option. Is amnesty a slap in the face to every immigrant who has legally gone through the process of immigration and become a citizen? You bet your sweet bippy it is!!! Are there any other viable options? Nope. Lets say we felonize every single illegal immigrant in this country, which is at a number of approximately 11 Million, then what, imprison them all? Not gonna happen, there's not enough room in prisons right now for real criminals. Round them up? Not a chance in hades. The US Government does not have the resources, the time, or more importantly, the money to round up 11 million illegal immigrants and ship them all back to Mexico or Guatemala or wherever they came from.

The only viable option IMO is to effectively seal the border making it nearly impossible to cross, build a wall if we have to, they're not keeping me in, they're keeping them out. Let those who are here stay, come in and file paperwork, get a SSN and start paying taxes, make it a felony to employ someone without a valid SSN and without paying taxes on their wages. Get them on a path to citizenship if they so choose, set a certain amount of time for them to become a citizen, if they don't want to become a US citizen, expel them to make room for someone who does.

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Re: Immigration Debate


What part of "illegal" immigrant do they not understand? They're illegal for crying out loud, that means they entered the country in violation of our laws. I believe every illegal immigrant should be deported immediately and without exception. If you want to come to the United States, find a way to do so LEGALLY! Millions do it every year and I welcome them.

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BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AGREE 100%!!!!!!!


In California, if you get 3 felony convictions you go to jail for life.

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WOW! I guess California has something I can agree with for once!!!

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Re: Immigration Debate

Wonder how many of your guys ancestors got green carded by the Indians grin.gif

Seriously though, short of a shoot on sight order or trapping them like beaver in the river whats any of this legislation gonna do?They already know theyre breaking the law.

I imagine if I was living in poverty in a country with little chance of bettering my situation under a corrupt government that could do very little for me Id take my chances jumping the river myself.Might not be right but theres not many of us ever been in that situation.At least in prison you get 3 meals a day and clean sheets, thats better then what some of these people got going on over there now.

I can see both sides of the issue and honestly dont think there is a good answer.I cant say amnesty is the way to go, even clear up here in rural Iowa theres obviously a problem, I sometimes feel like im the minority.Almost every arrest you hear about for drugs, or violence is from a Mexican nowdays, Im not saying that to sound racist its just a fact of life now.So its definately not all hard workers looking for a better life coming through, theres a criminal element as well.We can make all the laws we want but Im not thinking its gonna be much of a deterent in the long run. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Immigration Debate

Here is my belief, we created our problems with Technology. What you say? Technology, yes we have created a society of people who will not work or have no work ethic at all. We have hundreds if not thousands of job opportunities in the construction field that go unfilled by AMERCIAN CITIZENS. They will not work, They would rather sit in the Air conditioned office or at home than work outside and dig a ditch or put shingles on a house or hang drywall. So who do we as employers hire? Who helps us build your house or your new office? What happens if we don't hire someone to fill the void that our own people will not fill? One entire part of our economy stops, then others will also because of it. The bad part is almost everyone knows it, pretty **** sad. Our own Government will not do anything to help us. So what do we do? Suggestion is to reevaluate our school systems, we could use the model the Europeans use that once you reach a certain age you train for a job specific field. If your grades are good enough you have the chance for higher education and college. We do two things we sort out our everybody goes to college problems and build a work force from the inside thus lessening the dependency of foreign labor.

Our country will not be able to keep up with the tax burden, we have less people paying in and more entitlement programs and people on them. People believe they are owed something just because they live here. Either legally or illegally.

I find it very disturbing that I have to learn a new language to live in the country I was born in. Well I guess I am just to stubborn for that for I refuse to. I will get off my soap box now.....

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Re: Immigration Debate



I found it pretty disturbing to find out that America accepts "LEGAL" immigrants from every other country accept Mexico. Whats with that ?

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Huh? Please elaborate. I know that there are a certain number of H1-B and H2-B Visas issued to Mexican nationals every year.

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There was a big thing on the news about it the other night. Aparently there is a waiting list, but none are ever accepted ...something like that. I'll try to find out more when I have time.

If the mexican government is so bad and so corrupt, then why don't they just forget their independance and become another State of the USA. The citizens all seem to want to come to the US anyway. It sure would make things less complicated. grin.gif

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Re: Immigration Debate


Should we jump right in there too buckee?

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LOL...might as well. The US owns most of our big companies up here, and we import most of our raw materials to them and then buy them back after they are refined or built at a premium dollar grin.gif

But let's not go there. Don't want to hi-jack this topic wink.gif

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