VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


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"Let's lock this game up and throw away the key." .. I agree!!!!!

25 to LIFE


Dear Friend,

Wednesday was an important day in our ongoing effort against violent video games. In a moment you'll discover why, but first, I want to personally thank you for your support — especially each one of you who signed our online petition.

Thanks to you, and more than 265,000 concerned citizens like you, Wednesday morning I delivered to U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (Kansas) the more than 265,000 signatures of people from across America who signed the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund's online petition against the 25 to Life© video game.

Wednesday afternoon, Senator Brownback and his Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights, held a public hearing on video game violence. Speaking to a packed hearing room, Sen. Brownback in his opening remarks specifically mentioned law enforcement's concern with violent video games such as 25 to Life©. Holding aloft the petition book, he acknowledged the 265,000 people who signed the NLEOMF's online petition. During the ensuing testimony, witnesses clearly and powerfully conveyed the threat these games represent to law enforcement officers, civilians, and impressionable young people.

Several of our staff attended this hearing to represent the hundreds of thousands of people who have actively voiced their opposition to 25 to Life©, to be a voice for the 870,000 federal, state and local law enforcement officers that are currently serving today and the more than 17,000 law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

We attended this hearing to tell Senator Brownback and the members of his Subcommittee that we object to the storyline of 25 to Life© and all games like it... that we believe the game's images and messages are offensive and wrong. Like most of the witnesses, we share the position that making these games available to impressionable young people is irresponsible and wrong, at best, and dangerous to law enforcement officers at worst.

With the power of our petition, the testimony of experts, and your ongoing support, we encouraged the Subcommittee members to adopt a similar position, and to act on it accordingly. You have my vow that we will continue to closely monitor the fight against violent video games, and to make sure our nation's law enforcement officers — past, present, and future — get the respect and recognition they deserve.

Please continue to read our weekly enewsletter and visit our website to stay current with our efforts to carry out this sacred responsibility (If you are not a member of our regular enewsletter List, you can sign up from our WEB SITE . Thank you again for your support.


Craig W. Floyd

Executive Director

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

P.S. If you would like to read the letter I submitted to Senator Brownback and Members of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights, please CLICK HERE

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Social Behavior in game

Players will kill police officers and prison guards, use hostages as human shields, rob banks and casinos, spray graffiti, and participate in drug smuggling. The game features crooked cops and other anti-heroes.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

Stuff like this, is the #1 reason we are facing gun control across our nations. It's not hunting that is giving gun owners a bad rap, it's garbage like this and the young impressionable minds that they effect..

What games do your kids play ? (food for thought)

We live in a day and age where the kind of food we eat and our physical well being seems to be top priority around the country among most of the population. The phrase, "We are what we eat", has much truth attached to it. Why are we so concerned about our bodies, and yet neglect our minds, and especially the minds of our young impressionable youth. The same phrase can be applied to the human mind .."We are what we eat". What goes in,.. what we feed our minds, is manifested in the way we think.

If you interview sex offenders, you will find a common thread. It was the food they fed their minds, that played a major roll in their mental developement and eventually manifested itself in their lifes as a reality. Most sex offenders have been feeding their minds a steady diet of pornography.

What do you eat (mentally speaking)?, and what do your children eat?

These questions I have posed, are "food for thought" only, I'm not looking for any personal answers here. wink.gif


"The Eagle who thought he was a chicken"

"A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken.

"Years passed and the eagle grew old. One day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky. The old eagle looked up in awe. 'Who's that?' he asked.

"'That's the eagle, the king of the birds,' said his neighbor. 'He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth; we're chickens.'

"So the eagle lived and died as chicken, for that's what he thought he was." (By Anthony de Mello, S.J.)


A powerful, brilliant, and yet simplistic fable, no doubt. This isn't really a fable, but a textbook analogy of the Human mind and a good example of "You are what you eat or in this case, you are what you are fed by yourself and others", spiritually speaking.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

A couple points.Its a game, just another form of entertainment.

A lotta people think its wrong to play hunting games and let your kids shoot pretend deer on the TV to.Yet I see a lotta people in here play those type of shooting games.

Kids cant legally buy these games, they have to be 18 or older.If kids are playing them theres an adult responsible.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


A couple points.Its a game, just another form of entertainment.

A lotta people think its wrong to play hunting games and let your kids shoot pretend deer on the TV to.Yet I see a lotta people in here play those type of shooting games.

Kids cant legally buy these games, they have to be 18 or older.If kids are playing them theres an adult responsible.

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You're is just a game, to the people who have a normal sense of what is right and what is wrong. Now, other the other hand...there are people who are just a bit over the edge, or teetering with committing violence. These games are sometimes the boost they need to take it to the next level and commit the act. There is no doubt in my mind, that somewhere in the US, police officers will lose their lives because this game inspired/taught people of questionable moral character to kill LEO's. The police officers are the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers of good American families. Children will grow up without their fathers because of an entertainment company wanting to pad the pockets of fat cats who are already rich.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I'm with Horst on this one......I come from a family with a strong Law Enforcement history, and I support cops more then most, but this is a game. The parents need to pay more attention to what is going on with their kids, and you won't have the game so wide spread. You can not just ban this stuff.

Companies have rights to put their product out there, and as of yet, they can't prove that a game will cause more deaths.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I really like this one,,, why doe's it always boil down to the parents ? With one breathe we say that parents today need to take more resposibility and teach thier kids more morals and respect, and then with the other breathe when something happens, we say well we can't hold the parents responsible for a bad apple.... confused.gifconfused.gif

What really gets me is that our government says a 18 yr. old can't drink because he/she isn't responsible enough, but yet that same government says they can vote and join the military and die for their country.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

This game has one intent, and that to teach bad morals and to have NO respect, theirs not even any type of stratigy to this game it's just choosing a weapon and going out the the street and shooting everything that wears a badge to earn points.... where's the entertainment in that ????

I disagree this game has no value to society and needs to go..... mad.gifmad.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


You're is just a game, to the people who have a normal sense of what is right and what is wrong. Now, other the other hand...there are people who are just a bit over the edge, or teetering with committing violence. These games are sometimes the boost they need to take it to the next level and commit the act. There is no doubt in my mind, that somewhere in the US, police officers will lose their lives because this game inspired/taught people of questionable moral character to kill LEO's. The police officers are the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers of good American families. Children will grow up without their fathers because of an entertainment company wanting to pad the pockets of fat cats who are already rich.

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if your serious about saving lives then we should cave in and let the antis and the govt have thier way and ban guns.Then we wouldnt have to worry about it right?I mean in the long run it would save lives, the less guns you have in law abiding houses the less accidents theres gonna be.

But the criminals would still be killing people wouldnt they?You cant blame a gun or a video game for the actions of some people.Their gonna do it regardless.If banning inanimate objects to save lives is the way to go then we should go right to the source and get rid of guns all together, then this videogame would be worthless.

When you wanna start banning things theres a real fine line between it affecting someone else and affecting you personally.Most people dont like it when the line gets crossed.So we can ban the games today but tommorrow were gonna have to get rid of your guns,there more lethal then this games ever gonna be.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I can't believe people actually defend this game or any game like it. Bottom line is that it promotes killing cops, peroid! I am quick to always blame parents but in reality, it's not all the parents. Just because you and your kids know better not to play that game in your house or know better not to act it out...what happens when he goes to little johnnys house? If this game is out, it's going to get in kids hands somehow. Is that what we want? There are already enough games out there that I question. Whatever happened to space invaders and frogger confused.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I can't believe people actually defend this game or any game like it. Bottom line is that it promotes killing cops, peroid! I am quick to always blame parents but in reality, it's not all the parents. Just because you and your kids know better not to play that game in your house or know better not to act it out...what happens when he goes to little johnnys house? If this game is out, it's going to get in kids hands somehow. Is that what we want? There are already enough games out there that I question. Whatever happened to space invaders and frogger confused.gif

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I must be a bit older...I had Coleco vision (sp), Blip and Pong were my games! grin.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I was not surprised to see the gun control issue enter into this discussion.

We as gun owners, are held responsible, as to how, where and when we use our firearms, are we not? We have already come to the conclusion that guns don't kill people...people kill people. With that said, people who misuse guns are held responsible if they use their weapon for anything beyond what it was intended for (ie. hunting, target shooting, collecting etc)

More importantly though, is the ammunition load requirements for these weapons. How would you like it, if there were no Common sense rules or restriction on the way your shotgun shells were loaded with powder and shot for instance. You would be out hunting in the field, not knowing whether the next shell fired would fire at all, or blow up in your face.

Nothing wrong with the tool here, just the crap that is produced to use in it.

I may sound like an old fuddy-duddy to some, but I have been around long enough to see some dramatic changes in this world and in our society in general, when it comes to TV, PCs and the entertainment and advertising industry in general.

TV (as we know it today, as a tool for entertainment) for example has only been around since the early 1930's, but never really got into the mainstream of peoples lives until the late 1940's and 50's. by 1936 there were only about 200 hundred television sets are in use world-wide. We never had a TV in our house until 1959 or 1960.

TV is, and has been a wonderful tool to the world, as far as entertainment, learning, general information, seeing the world news, etc, etc, but even at it's conception, there were people who had enough common sense to create regulations and rules for the things that were allowed to air on the tube. There also used to be a little common sense used by film-makers when it came to certain content. It sure didn't take long to throw common sense regulations and rules out the window did it.

TV is a great media for viewing reality for what it is, even though some of it is ugly.

Now with The computer world and video games there is even a greater need for common sense. The Ugliness of reality is not a game and should not IMO, be portrayed as a game..

Shooting police officers, drug dealing, doing drugs, lasciviousness, sex, etc, should not be portrayed as a game. These companies that produce these games are not held accountable for anything. Neither is Hollywood, or the advertisement industry anymore.

In a period of a little over 50 years the world lost much, in the way of common sense.

First amendment rights...awe yes...freedom

Freedom without rules = chaos

I'll tell ya, as an older person who has seen a lot more than many of you here, I shudder when I think of what our countries, or the world for that matter, will be like 100 years from now, if continued to go on the path we are headed. I really do shudder at the thought.

I'm under the impression that most folks don't really give the tomorrows of life, much thought at all, as long as they are having fun today. ooo.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I think that some people are responsible enough to play it, but this game entices others to go out and use what they "learn" in the game and really do it. Some people in the world would think, hey this is pretty fun why not try it? I don't think we really need a game like this out there in todays world. It only teaches kids bad things.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I was not surprised to see the gun control issue enter into this discussion.

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Actually Steve your second post starts out with the gun control issue, so you shouldn't be suprised that it's in the thread grin.gif

I do not have an xbox or any other of the contraptions to play these types of games at my house. One of the reasons is because I loveto play video games and I would probably put to much time on the silly thing. I did spend alot of time in the arcade growing up and still do if I'm forced to go shopping at the mall, I'll let them shop and they can meet me in the arcade when they are done. Out of all the games that I play I prefer shooter games... Virtual Cop I & II, Time Crisis I & II, House of the Dead, There's a really cool Sniper one that I enjoy but can't think of the name, and there's more like that. I also enjoy the fight games like Tekan, Street Fighter, Mortal Combat and Soul Calliber. No matter how you look at it theses games are violent, some give you extra points for 3 shot hits on target, head shots, special killer finishing moves, etc, don't know how anyone can say that they aren't violent.

So when I read about this game I say where are all these people for the last X amount of years that are worried about impressional young minds. Is it a problem now because it's digressed to where players are allowed to shoot the good guys? There's war games (and I'm sure others) that allow you to play online against real people, you literally get to kill someone else, even get to talk to them online while you do it.

I guess my point is social behavior is being affected by violent games long before this one came along and I'm sure there have been some people on the edge that have done things due to it. Do I support this game, no... but I don't think it's a sudden departure from anything else that's been around.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I guess my point is social behavior is being affected by violent games long before this one came along and I'm sure there have been some people on the edge that have done things due to it. ... but I don't think it's a sudden departure from anything else that's been around.

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Yeah but it's getting worse and this game proves it. Look at the cartoons on these days! I can't believe parents allow their children to watch over half of them out there. When we were growing up, they didn't have those kinds of cartoons just like they didn't have those kinds of games. It's getting worse and allowing this game on the market makes it that much worse.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

we played war as a kid, 1050-57). i did well, but didn't like it. then, at 18, i joined the service and played war games (1966-70) and did well, but hated it. haven't seen my first war games video, but i can tell you i won't like it. it it involves killing cops, then i hate it.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I'm sick and tired of everyone out there pointing fingers at all the things that might be bad for kids, yet nobody wants to stand up and take responsibility for themselves or for the actions of thier kids. We, as parents, are responsible for teaching them right from wrong. Do I agree with the content of the game, and will my kids play it.....NO, but I won't act so high and mighty as to say what's best for someone else, and none of you should either.

Just because you stop a game doesn't mean you'll stop violence, and if you think you will then you're fooling yourselves.

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