VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I find it very interesting and disheartening that we will let society take the American flag from our class rooms and ban the pledge of alligence, and take Holiday celebrations out of our schools and Gov. buildings, but we will allow TRASH like this video and others like it go unchecked...... crazy.gifcrazy.gifconfused.gif

This country is losing it's morals and accountability with every passing day... frown.giffrown.gif

I don't have any children, but I do see how our younger generation as a whole acts,,, and it's not a pretty sight.. frown.gif,,, I hate to lump every child in this mess but, unfortunately everything these days is looked at as a whole....

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


This game has one intent, and that to teach bad morals and to have NO respect, theirs not even any type of stratigy to this game it's just choosing a weapon and going out the the street and shooting everything that wears a badge to earn points.... where's the entertainment in that ????

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BINGO! Me as a responsible parent will NOT let this game enter my home! Personally, anyone who has this game or plays it, is showing nothing but disrespect for all law enforcement, PERIOD!

Hey here is an idea for those who think this game is ok play! Maybe somebody will invent a game that you can take a jet and crash it into a large building! What do you think about that?!?!?!?!?!?! Remember, its just entertainment!!!

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I'm sick and tired of everyone out there pointing fingers at all the things that might be bad for kids, yet nobody wants to stand up and take responsibility for themselves or for the actions of their kids. We, as parents, are responsible for teaching them right from wrong. Do I agree with the content of the game, and will my kids play it.....NO, but I won't act so high and mighty as to say what's best for someone else, and none of you should either.

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I'll never get tired of hearing concerned parents talk about what's good or bad for our children, and I think you will find that the parents that don't stand up and take responsibility for themselves or for the actions of their kids, also couldn't care less about these types of discussion.

Yes, we as Parents are responsible for teaching our children right from wrong, but that job is getting tougher and tougher with the ever changing world around us. Does that mean, that everything and everybody outside the home, is accountable to no-one?


Just because you stop a game doesn't mean you'll stop violence, and if you think you will then you're fooling yourselves.

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True, No-one said stopping this particular game would save the world, but stopping this particular game may just save the lives of a few Police officers down the road, and not be an influencing factor in some child's life.

And, contrary to popular belief, I believe "We are our brothers keeper".

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I'll tell ya, as an older person who has seen a lot more than many of you here, I shudder when I think of what our countries, or the world for that matter, will be like 100 years from now, if continued to go on the path we are headed. I really do shudder at the thought.

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I see the same thing Steve. I often wonder how we came to this place we are in now.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I hate to say this but I'm not sure banning a game is the answer to anything. I myself think the game is sick and stupid. It will never be in my house. I will not let my kids play it. That's my job, to raise my kids the best I can.

When we start banning the things that are offensive where do we draw the line? If we start with video games how long does it take to get to books or ideas? I agree some kids will get the game that should not have it just as some kids get beer and drink too much. Should we ban beer as well? Where do we draw the line and who will decide what is offensive and bad for us? This is a very dangerous path we could be starting down.

Back in my day it was rock & roll that was going to destroy us all.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


Back in my day it was rock & roll that was going to destroy us all

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I remember that, and they put warning labels on CDs now according to what the content of them is, just like they dont sell video games with violent content to minors.And they put a special chip in TVs so you can control what your kid watches, and movies are rated according to what age brackets suitable to watch them, and thiers programs to moniter what your kids doing online.

All these forms of entertainment are already restricted.A lotta parents dont use these restrictions that are already in place, thats hardly the video game makers fault.What it boils down to is its a shooting game, just like Deer Hunter, or Big Game Hunter are.The same argument could be used to abolish those type games, they promote killing and condition kids to pull the trigger.The antis have been using that argument that taking a kid hunting does the same thing for years.If they ban this how fars it gonna go?Can I sue Atari for making me play space invaders?That was another violent game grin.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

Pretty sure that is the same game that someone posted a link to too ban the sales of this game.

A game that encourages violence against law enforcement officials or innocent people will never have any place in my home, I really dont think it should have any place in any.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I find it very interesting and disheartening that we will let society take the American flag from our class rooms and ban the pledge of alligence, and take Holiday celebrations out of our schools and Gov. buildings, but we will allow TRASH like this video and others like it go unchecked......

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Maybe folks should be spending more time getting on officials about this stuff then worrying about a game.

Going after this game is exactly the same as bringing a suit against a gun company because a crook used it in a shooting.......completely rediculous.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I don't think the gun or the gun manufactures's are promoting going out and killing cops as this game is to impressionable young minds.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

So, YES, I do distinguise a difference between the two, and don't find it rediculous at all..

As for the Hunting games,, I also see a difference there also, you are stratigically stalking game, NOT human beings... I have a problem with first shooter games, but that just me, and I don't harbor ill feelings with those that play these games... wink.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


Pretty sure that is the same game that someone posted a link to too ban the sales of this game.

A game that encourages violence against law enforcement officials or innocent people will never have any place in my home, I really dont think it should have any place in any.

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Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

That's the correct and obvious answer about how to handle trash like this. Just do your job as a parent and make sure your kids aren't playing it and it will wither away and die on it's own from lack of sales.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

its a video game...get over it....they are going to be around.....maybe they should start banning movies to...or cancel all of the news shows.....i don't blame video games for the kids who look at these games and go out and try to do this stuff...i blame BAD PARENTING! teach your kids the difference between reality and the game...all of these games can't be bought by someone under the age of 18...i play these types of me its entertaining...i know its not real...i don't see the big deal with it

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


its a video game...get over it....

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I want you to walk up to a police officer, and say that to his face like you mean it.

By the way...Happy Birthday



[/ QUOTE ] Well, when the world outside, changes so dramatically. It makes what parents try to teach their kids inside redundant. And If some of you can't see past the skin on your own noses, that's on your head also.

Remember also that this crap hasn't been around long enough to even begin to assess the long term effects on some peoples minds.

All you have to do is look at all the crimes that are linked to pornography, and you may, just begin to understand where some of us are coming from.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

yeah i guess i can see your point...i just think alot of how a person turns out is because of how he/she was raised...and i don't see blaming video games and stuff like that being an answer...people have commited crimes for a long time and now that there are video games out like this one...its easy to point the finger at the companies making them rather than seeing what is really going on in the home these kids are raised in

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I don't think the gun or the gun manufactures's are promoting going out and killing cops as this game is to impressionable young minds

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No, thier products are actually being used to kill cops.So which ones worse?If the government were to ban the bigger threat which one would it be?How many things should we have banned so people can be safe?Guns, cars, booze, knives, fast food, tobacco, and just about anything else you can name all kill far more people every year then there are cops killed.So do you really need the government to decide what games you buy for you?Cuz theres a whole list of other things they can decide as well.You know, for your own well being shocked.gifVT is right, you guys are doing the exact same thing as the anti gun crowd, your using the same arguments they use.Your even making a video game out to be more lethal then a firearm which is ridiculous in itself.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

If your going to compare this to the gun debate, then do it right,

The guns in this case are computers and game boxes, which I have no problem with, They in themselves are harmless, when used properly.

These little programs (like games, etc) that we put into these boxes, I compare to the ammunition we put in our guns. If it's faulty ammunition, then somebody needs to scream about it. You would be screaming if you were being sold faulty ammunition, would you not?

The anti's have got some of you guys so spooked, that you don't dare oppose anything, accept the act of opposing, yet in your heart might view it differently, Your afraid of joining their ranks and be labelled an anti of sorts. The far left has caused some of us to go from the common sense middle, to the far right, with very few in betweeners.

The freedoms afforded to us through Democracy are the best in the world, however, democracy is only as good as the people it serves. It's not the perfect form of government, although it is the best mankind has come up with so far. The best form of government IMO, would be rule by one PERFECT man, but that one man would have to be PERFECT in every way, in order to be just in every decision made, so that perfect justice would prevail always..(Jesus fits that description, but the game is still in our court and the votes aren't all in yet wink.gif)

The problem with democratic freedom, is that it allows evil to live unchecked along side of goodness and truth. It's success depends on the voices of the participants, whether they be evil or good. And in the end, all we can hope for is that goodness, justice and mercy will rule at the end of the day.

When I look at our two countries today, I don't see goodness, mercy and justice ever having the upper hand. The voices of those who could make a difference have been silenced by complacency, apathy and fear. ooo.gif

I guess I can move this to the political room smile.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


I compare to the ammunition we put in our guns. If it's faulty ammunition, then somebody needs to scream about it. You would be screaming if you were being sold faulty ammunition, would you not?

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Faulty ammunition is dangerous, a faulty video games still a video game.It can malfunction all day and nobodires gonna get hurt till you involve a real gun.


The anti's have got some of you guys so spooked, that you don't dare oppose anything, accept the act of opposing,

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They dont have me spooked at all.But it does bother me when I hear gun owners using the same arguments the antis are using to have something banned.You want this game banned to possibly save lives.They want guns banned because it would in fact save some lives.Its the same thing.Except theres absolutely nothing to suggest this video games going to get anyone killed.And nobody seems interested in the one very basic fact that this thread is about "Mind food for children" and children cannot buy this game.YOU must be an adult to purchase it.Theres already regulations on this and every form of entertainment.

You guys are missing a important point.If someones going to kill a cop theyre already screwed up beyond repair.They dont need this game to show them how.All they need is the right set of circumstances to set them off.

I love it when people pretend music, movies, or video games are responsible for someones actions.Its absurd, nobodies doing anything they dont want to do no matter what theyve watched,played or heard.Instead of banning a video game why dont we spend a little time and energy looking at the people that are actually responsible for the crimes.

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Guest Andrea

Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

Regardless of what propels a person to commit a crime, whether it be from a twisted childhood, a mental deficiency or a violent video game..............I know that I will NEVER allow my children to play Grand Theft Auto 1-3 or any of those games that show women being violated or innocent people being murdered. If a game makes YOU the criminal...then it will never be allowed in my house.

Plain and simple. That's my job as a parent. To filter that garbage out before it gets in the hands of my impressionable boys' minds.

If a person of legal age wants to purchase that and play it til the cows come be it. But not in my home.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

Maybe I should have titled this post ""Mind food for impressionable people" crazy.gif We are all impressionable to some extent, just some more so than others.

I guess some of you just don't see anything wrong or see any link with encouraging impressionable minds through different forms of media.

It's easier to say, these people who go out and do these things will do it regardless, are sick and beyond repair.

It takes all the responsibility away from the rest of mankind.

I disagree. I think we are all more responsibly for the crime that goes on than we want to take credit for, because of our own apathy.

We could compare things like this to the illegal immigrant problem also. We don't protect the border efficiently, and yet we complain when the country is infiltrated with illegal immigrants. Then we blame it on the immigrants. Makes about as much sense as this discussion. crazy.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

First my personal response...

The movies you watch games you play music you listen to and the friends you keep are all reflections of who you are at that time...with the exception of friends (who have a profound impact on your development) none of these has a signifigantly measurable impact on behavior. It has been demonstrated in studies that 100% of rapists use porn...Now, this is what we call a corelational study that looked at one sided people will use to claim that porn causes someone to commit rape. The problem is that a corelational study can never show cause and effect. In fact less than 1% of porn users are rapists. The same can be said for violent video games...violent individuals are going to use the game...but nonviolent individuals that like vicarious thrill are going to as well even they themselves are never going to be violent.

I am by no means advocating the use of Porn or copkiller games! I don't believe they are the best things to spend our time on, however I do believe they are a symptom not a cause...fine line for some.

The real issue is; why are you buying the game? The fact that you would buy the game says that you need to examine yourself! If there is no issue there then I am not going to tell you what to do, but I don't have to agree with you anyway.

Second here is a review of the game cut and pasted from


The 25 to Life game was released by Eidos (with a "Mature" rating) in January 2006 and quickly became one of the top video game rentals in the U.S. market, although enthusiasm for the product has since dropped off sharply due to widespread disappointment with the game's graphics, story line, and mechanics. As a Los Angeles Daily News reviewer wrote:

Visually, the game is flat and boring. There's a chance you've seen better-looking graphics on the PlayStation Portable. That alone isn't enough to sink this title; the game play does that all by itself.

In single-player mode, you are placed in the role of a gangbanger who's trying to find a way out. While other games and movies have used this kind of story to craft intriguing tales of redemption, in this game, much of your solution comes through blowing away as many cops and other gangsters as possible.

And when the bullets start flying, the game unleashes a barrage of broken game-play mechanics. For instance, the game lets you take hostages, but the virtual cops still shoot at you as if you were holding Osama bin Laden. Most of the time, the hostage ends up dying and you're forced to run around with guns blazing.

There's usually some thought involved in third-person shoot-'em-ups like this, because the enemies in the game do things like take cover, move into position and try to flush the player out. Not here. The enemies scatter all over the screen like marbles, turning any concept of strategy into a chalk outline.

The cherry on top of this ignorant sundae is the delivery of the story itself. Every tired rap and urban cliche you can think of is presented in its full glory.

The dialogue sounds like it's being read from a gangsta rap cue card. Our "hero" tells his wife to stop talking about his friend because (in the words of Tupac) "only God can judge him."

The reviewer noted in a coda "The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund has an online petition to pull the game off the shelves. How much of an impact it will have remains to be seen. One almost feels the need to tell the group not to bother — the game itself could do the job for them."

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As usual the hype is just that..the game is falling flat on its face only 3 months after being released. notice that it hit the top of not sales but rentals...everyone tried before they bought and now whon't bother to buy it.

So are we gonna argue about "Grand Theft Auto"(the orriginal bad boy, shoot the cops, and run over everyone else game that came out a decade ago and has spawned countless sequels...) now? This debate is a little late guys...

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

So, what your saying James is that this game has so many unrealistic flaws in it, that it's not really worth the debate.

I can see from the review that the next edition of the game will have those flaws covered, no problem. And the next, and the next....where will it end?

By saying nothing, we give these game manufacturers, the thumbs up for every piece of trash they can come up with. I won't be part of it.

"You shall love your neighbour as yourself." How can that be applied here? and who, is our neighbour?

Do we care so little for the next "potential" criminal, that we are willing to let this mind food slide across the table to their impressionable minds, just because we personally have no taste for it. It's the same as if you have passed a plate of poison to someone else at the table to try, because you don't like the smell of it, but they do.

I'm sure all the law enforcement officers in this site are sitting back, biting their tongues while reading this thread, because if they were to express how they feel about this game, they would most likely, risk being banned.

I do agree partially with many statements made, only because I see past this volatile game, and see a much more serious problem with the origin of it. It comes from the lack of morality, the "love of money", , and the silence of many.

BUT...never fear, the next edition will be more graphic, and much more realistic, because the people who made this game, have been given the thumbs-up by the apathy and silence of many.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

James was not arguing the fact that games like these will stop coming out because this one flopped. On the contrary he probably thinks your right when you say a newer, more graphic game will be released. What I think he is saying is that those impresionable minds are not so impressionable. There is no proof to support that these games cause violence, just correlation, which is really the chicken or the egg arguement. James' first paragraph basically sums it up.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children



There is no proof to support that these games cause violence

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Your right, they don't cause violence, but they do feed it.

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So steve tell me where your going with this? Your above statement sends me back to my first of these things have been here for a long time, know that it's digressed to an area that it doesn't feel right for you morally it's time to make a stand? ok, that's great, how do you plan to do that? And once this game is gone then will everyone feel better.

James mentioned Grand theft Auto, it's been out for years. From my understanding you can steal cars, pick up prostitutes, kill people including law enforcement and I'm sure the list goes on. Where has everyone's morals been the last X years while that has been out? Didn't anyone know about it or did it just not matter then?

I'm not trying to be a jerk about it i just want to make sure that all of you that are screamin about this game know that it's not the first of it's kind, in fact it's a poor facsimile of popular games that are already there and have been there. I just want to point out that if you are talking about what's wrong you can't just tag it to this one game even if it makes you feel better, the real problem is much deeper that that and if you want to effect that it will be something you'll have to fight long after this game is gone and should have been fighting long before it got here.

Lot's of the people that answered are fighting it and every game like it the best way they know how - by not buying it and not allowing their children to play it.

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