VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


Glad you feel secure grin.gif

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LOL.. Only in my home host,, out on the street can be a different story.... wink.gifwink.gif

But hey this has been a great topic to debate tho,, I think the views on both sides of this one hold some great points... wink.gif

I think when it all boils down on both sides if I have been paying attention to this debate is that parents need to be more accountable for their children, am I correct ?? or have I miss interpited most of the comments from both sides..???

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


But hey this has been a great topic to debate tho,, I think the views on both sides of this one hold some great points... wink.gif

I think when it all boils down on both sides if I have been paying attention to this debate is that parents need to be more accountable for their children , am I correct ?? or have I miss interpited most of the comments from both sides..???

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You hit it right on the head i think, but isn't that what most of our debates are about anyways. Now we have to figure out how to make better parents and what exactly is better.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I think we need to revert back to old time disipline and values that we have lost over the years,,, thanks to our local, state, and federal governments..

When these agenceys stepped into our homes, and said that a good old fashion rear end thrashing was abuse, we lost contact with what is real disipline and what seemed to work ,, IMHO.. wink.gif

If that makes any sense....

I for one would have never even had the thought of trying to stare down one of my parents... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

I hear what your saying as I am a 20 year old coach now coaching a 14 year old volleyball team and some of the challenging things these kids say to me would have never crossed my mind when I was that age. I was never in fear of a spanking even though I got a few, it was usually some alterior motive.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


But hey this has been a great topic to debate tho,, I think the views on both sides of this one hold some great points... wink.gif

I think when it all boils down on both sides if I have been paying attention to this debate is that parents need to be more accountable for their children, am I correct ?? or have I miss interpited most of the comments from both sides..???

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Yes, that is part of it, but what we don't agree on is that I think we as a society, need to be held accountable for those kids who have deadbeat parents to some degree. That's the part we don't all agree on.

According to a few folks in here, society should play no roll whatsoever, other than be free as a bird to do what we/they please. Makes no sense to me. You can't have responsible parents and condone an irresponsible society in which to live, all in the same breath. It doesn't work.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children

OK...since a lot of you on here have looked up the studies that show conections between violence in video games and other media and increased agression or risk taking behavior, I guess I should go a little deeper.

First off The games related are tested against "acceptable" changes in agression or competitiveness, they can not be tested against unacceptable forms since it would by definition be an unsafe test and would never pass the ethics board. so though they show an invrease in adrenalin response and competitiveness, sports games will do the same thing. It is the competitiveness of the game, which is heightened by the kill or be killed concept, that is being shown in the tests.

In similar tests that compared two violent video games, one "justified" violence(revenge or self defence related) and the other "unjustified" violence(coldblooded killing). They then did the same tests as the one reported with comparing Simpsons to Grand theft auto. The results were surprising. It demonstrated that the Justified violence games produced a greater competitive and agressive reaction than the Unjustified ones. My main point is that the tests are looking for a viceral(internal) response that does not last but then generalizing it to future violent behaviors beyond the scope of the test. The other problem with these studies is that the kids involved in them know they are being tested, even if they don't know the point, this also raises competitiveness. This can bias the results.

enough psychobable, bottom line is this:

Steve aka Buckee is right that violent video games can feed an agressive spirit. They do not create violence.

Yes they need to be monitored and fought against. However, we need to be careful how we fight since Hunting games and war games esspecialy, actualy fall under the category of games of "justified violence". they could in theory be looked at as more harmfull than the grand theft auto games when people misrepresent the studies. People in the media are looking for someone or something to blame for the explosion of violence we have seen. It is popular to blame videogames and researchers have set up tests to "prove" it.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


According to a few folks in here, society should play no roll whatsoever, other than be free as a bird to do what we/they please. Makes no sense to me. You can't have responsible parents and condone an irresponsible society in which to live, all in the same breath. It doesn't work.

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While I do tend to agree with you here Steve, Chris does make a good argument about banning and where it goes. No doubt banning can get and in some cases has gotten out of control. Like I said before, I am not too sure what the answer is, but I am normally not one for banning things and I did sign the petition to ban this game and would probably still sign it again.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


According to a few folks in here, society should play no roll whatsoever, other than be free as a bird to do what we/they please. Makes no sense to me. You can't have responsible parents and condone an irresponsible society in which to live, all in the same breath. It doesn't work.

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Steve, if you still believe thats whats been said here I dont know what to tell you.Nobody said nothing about being free as a bird, we did say theres already laws and regulations pertaining to these games.Im about burnt out on this topic personally, been a good debate and some good points made by everyone.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


Steve, if you still believe thats whats been said here I dont know what to tell you.Nobody said nothing about being free as a bird, we did say theres already laws and regulations pertaining to these games.Im about burnt out on this topic personally, been a good debate and some good points made by everyone.

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Yeah, I'm about burned out too. The problem is that the laws and regulations pertaining to these games aren't good enough, and it's up to society to change that.

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Re: VIDEO Games/MIND Food for children


Really am surprised this thread is still open. Personally think it has gone about as far as it can.

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YEP,, I agree... both sides have given some great answers, but I think it's pretty much ran it's route and is becoming a repetative thing.. wink.gif

I would personally like to THANK everyone for their views.... It's been a great debate... wink.gif

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