So I had this allergic reaction....


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in the form of a rash on my hands and it is a pain let me tell you. I'm normally not allergic to anything but if I come in contact with a cheap brand of soap or detergent, I usually get hives or a rash. Well my mom got this hand soap at Walmart and guess what, it dried out my hands really bad and then gave my a red rash all over the top of them. I alternates between being itchy and really sore. I've been putting hand cream and vaseline on and bug bite cream, it's rediculous. Of course then did I remember this happened once before awhile ago with the same hand soap I think. My mom did notice it dried her hands out so she quit using it, but not to the extent of what my hands are like. As a baby I always had rashes anyway,lol tongue.gif So if any of you have read the Book of Job in the Bible, well I feel somewhat like Job right now,lol. My hands are funny and scary at the same time like I have a rare disease, but maybe that is what picking up sheds does to you grin.gif

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Re: So I had this allergic reaction....


...So if any of you have read the Book of Job in the Bible, well I feel somewhat like Job right now,lol.

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Ruth, When you shave your head and cover yourself with ashes we want pic's grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Hope it heals quickly wink.gif

My wife is a nurse and gets severely dried hands from washing constantly...she gets great relief from a handcream product called "MooGoo"...Walmart HBA department.

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Re: So I had this allergic reaction....

Maybe you have psoriasis and certain products sets it off. I do.

My hands broke out really bad a few years ago, and the doctor had me on all kinds of creams that didn't seem to be working.

I finally bought myself some Vitamin E oil and gave my hands a good rub-dow with that every day. I took a while, but it got it under control.

But if it is an allergy, I would suggest Benadryl too. It should make it subside, if it is an allergy.

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