Montana Super Tag


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Re: Montana Super Tag

I can see this maybe helping someone with the hard to draw sheep tags but as far as elk, deer, and stinkey speed goats are concerned I don't see it helping your chances any. With such a limited number of tags and the responce from this I'd say it'll take just as long or longer than playing the draw.

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Re: Montana Super Tag

I am not too impressed with the idea of the Super Tag. I apply in certain zones because that is where research and personal experience has shown me that is where I will have a good chance to take a quality animal. If anything, I see the Super Tag as a way to an incidental killing of a game animal you were not even hunting at the time but had a legal tag to harvest in a zone you may never have even considered hunting in. It may even increase the "road hunting" mentality.

On another note, rifleman25, what have you got against the block management plan? It has opened up thousands of acres of private land to public hunting.

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Re: Montana Super Tag

Hmmm I find it surprising that the Super Tag idea has such poor standing here. Of coarse it's not going to improve your odds, your odds will be worse. Do you stop appling for your draw units to do this, well of coarse not. You can do both. We are talking about 5 lucky hunters who will get to hunt in the coveted units for that species or where ever they want. And what makes it even better is that if you are one of the lucky ones it will not affect your bonus points. Plus you will not have to wait 7 years (for some species) to apply again like you would if you were drawn through the normal application process. Heck for 5 bucks I will through my name in the hat.

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Re: Montana Super Tag

Next time I come to your wonderful state I will be in the draw for an elk supertag. I hunt in 700, and the special permit draw for a nonresident rifle tag is like "No Way Man". The supertag may also be "No Way Man", but at least it's another opportunity - and we can hope can't we? There are some terrific bulls on the land we hunt.

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Re: Montana Super Tag


I am not too impressed with the idea of the Super Tag. I apply in certain zones because that is where research and personal experience has shown me that is where I will have a good chance to take a quality animal. If anything, I see the Super Tag as a way to an incidental killing of a game animal you were not even hunting at the time but had a legal tag to harvest in a zone you may never have even considered hunting in. It may even increase the "road hunting" mentality.

On another note, rifleman25, what have you got against the block management plan? It has opened up thousands of acres of private land to public hunting.

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Not to start a fight but I don't like block management because they took a few good places I hunted and turned them public. They are now over hunted. I liked it better when I either payed a tresspass fee or paid for a drop camp. All the weekend warriors wern't in there shooting the younger bucks then either. Like I said I don't want to start a fight but Two of the ranches I used to hunt are now in block management and the quality of bucks has taken a nose dive. I'm not hunting those areas anymore. I'm trying to lease a rach thet borders both the Bob Marshall and the Great Bear. Not the best deer country in the world, but at least I'mm be able to let the bucks age correctly. The Block management just left a real bad taste in my mouth and I'm not going to say any more on the issue.

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