DEC changes hunting for NY!!!


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On realtree's homepage, they have an entry of changes to NY's deer season. Read the following!!!

As a bow hunter, I don't know how I feel yet. It breaks archery up into two seasons. They added a special muzzleloader season in the middle for antlerless only deer. So the monster I have been patterning fo the first two weeks, gets a break. He may go nocturnal while the muzzle loaders are shooting doe. For all of you NY bow hunters, if you don't like these changes, we need to get a petition together. Get as many people to sign it, then send it in. Reply with your thoughts. Looks llike NY is going to Frik everything up!!!!

this is just my opinion!!!!

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Guest DaHunter

Re: DEC changes hunting for NY!!!

Well i am a bow hunter from central new york and would love too see this go through. I hunt a high doe population and would like too have a crack at some with my muzzle loader. Besides it gives us another week of bow hunting on top of the old season. It seems too be what my area needs anyways its only a week which isnt that long.

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Re: DEC changes hunting for NY!!!

Not all of the proposals are bad, but the seasonal changes are a terrible signal of how the DEC views archery hunting. This basically removes a week of prime rut hunting from the bowhunter and reassigns it to muzzleloaders, who will then put deer into highly defensive patterns for the second half.

If this comes to pass, it will be a statement by the DEC that archery is ineffective as a tool for the population control of deer and that guns must now have priority during prime season times. In fact they say that about half way down the article.


"The DEC says one reason for an early muzzleloader season is to supplement archery and regular season antlerless harvests in areas where needed".

[/ QUOTE ]

This is something that I predicted about a year ago except that I was thinking that they would be replacing chunks of bow season with regular gun season. I think bow season is entering a time of extreme danger. Basically what they are doing is pitting gun hunters (muzzleloaders) against archers. Guess which one will win out in the end. This is only the beginning. For many years, gun hunters (of which I am one) have jealously regarded the seasonal advantages of bowhunters (of which I am also one). This is the FIRST move toward lessening those advantages and I would predict that it is not the last. New York State, and other states, have worked themselves into a frenzy over their perceived inability to control the deer population. Because of the pressure from insurance companies, landowners, farmers and other lobbying groups, the standard is no longer whether the habitat can support a given number of deer, but rather, whether the population size is acceptable to other pressure groups. Buckling under to these lobbying forces, they have embarked on some rather extreme methods of eliminating deer. Given this mindset, and the fact of reduced hunter numbers, they are looking at the most effective tools and methods to reduce deer herds. Obviously, archery is not the most effective weapon to be using during prime deer movement times.

I'm not sure what can be done to turn this back. Certainly, we do not have the bowhunter numbers to have any impact on any of this. We don't have the backing of gunhunters to influence this. I think that we will just have to accept the fact that the glory days of bowhunting along with the special priviledges that we have enjoyed are most like going to become a thing of the past.


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Re: DEC changes hunting for NY!!!

My take on this -

I saw this and was originally highly irate. I am someone who hates change with a passion. Period.

I am all for the opening of the season earlier....but I do feel this time will be unproductive for bucks, unless you can pattern one. Still, it is a good time for doe management and to just be in the woods period.

But to CLOSE the archery season for a week, to let the "primitive" ML's into the woods to harvest does seems silly. These ML's as we all know are FAR FROM PRIMITIVE (as are our bows), and belong in the regular season.

I have been told that there are more hunters who ML than bowhunt. To allow, even for one week, an influx of more hunters into the woods will potentially disrupt the natural cycle of the pre rut!

Archery season should be uniterrupted, pleasant, family experience - keep high powered scoped rifles out of it!

Just my 2 cents - but then again, I don't own a ML, don't plan to - I am a direhard bowhunter.

I am interested to see others views and opinions on this. NO holds barred please.

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Re: DEC changes hunting for NY!!!

The quote that I highlited in my last reply should have included a bit more of that paragraph that further clarifies the DEC's view of bowhunters.


The DEC says one reason for an early muzzleloader season is to supplement archery and regular season antlerless harvests in areas where needed. Since archery hunters tend to seek antlered bucks and regular season gun hunters are often hampered by bad weather or lack of access, the desired take of antlerless deer in some WMUs sometimes falls short of DEC's target. In fact, the recent statewide DMP success rate of regular season hunters was 17 percent, the lowest it's ever been.

[/ QUOTE ]

This paragraph says it all. Not only do they consider the bow inadequate for deer population control, but also we have been deemed to be "buck only" hunters. It also mentions the tale of woes of the effect of the weather on the poor REGULAR SEASON gun hunters and their effectiveness. Notice they are not talking about muzzleloaders in that statement. I think this is a glimpse into future plans. This is just an interim step to replace chunks of bowseason with regular gun season sometime off in the future.


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