Question for Dogdoc and anyone else...


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Ok, my sister has a pet rabbit that is really special to her, she's raised him since 1 week old when the mother wouldn't take care of him. So he's a house bunny. Anyway off and on the rabbit had a few intestinal blockages but after some mineral oil, usually the rabbit would pass a big turd and be fine. Well about the last week or so, after a blockage bout, the rabbit has barely been eating, not pooping, only urinating, and just sitting/lying around. My sister thought she had gas before, and then isn't sure if it was from the blockage or if it liver failure from getting thin after being blocked. Does anyone have any ideas what may be wrong or have any suggestions? Our vet is out of town so she probably won't be able to call him until tomorrow, if the rabbit makes it that long. It has been about a week this way. I know we'd all be heartbroken if the rabbit dies, but I definitely don't like to see an animal suffer frown.gif

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Re: Question for Dogdoc and anyone else...


Cooked apples work well for constipation in Rabbits

Cooked carrots work well for diarrhea

It take 2 or 3 applications to see a change ussually

There are herbal remedies also, but I don't know what they are.

[/ QUOTE ]

So are you supposed to cook the rabbit in the apples and carrots? It sounds like a good stew. grin.gif

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Re: Question for Dogdoc and anyone else...

since the rabbit isn't passing any feces it probably still has a blockage--hairball blockages are fairly common in rabbits. I'd try more mineral oil and maybe some pineapple juice to see if you can kick those intestines into gear. If that's not the problem then you probably do have some sort of organ failure like liver or kidneys.

good luck


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