Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?


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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

The snort wheeze is done by a mature dominant buck. If you do it and a smaller buck hears, you are probably going to scare it away. But if you are hunting what you think is the dominant buck of the area and are willing to let smaller bucks go then go for it. I have never personally tried it so I can't answer your question if it works. I'm sure it works, it just has to be done to the right buck. As for making the snort wheeze, I do beleive there is call on the market, maybe by madd calls?? that is made specifically for it.

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

Why do it? To aggravate a buck into checking you out.

When should you do it? In the heat of the pre rut and rut when you know bucks are out cruising.

Does it work good? Yep. In my limited experience with it, it sure does.


The snort wheeze is done by a mature dominant buck.

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I've witnessed 2 or 3 deer snort wheeze, none of them were what I would call a dominant buck. In fact the first time I witnessed it, it was a little 7 pointer that was totally frustrated with the fact that he was getting his butt kicked all over the hill. I was hunting a hill top one day, and there must have been a hot doe up on top, deer were everywhere and most of them running. This one particular 7 ptr would get chased off the hill by a big mature 8 pt. The little guy would run to the bottom of the hill and snort wheeze, then run back up and get his butt kicked again. I saw this little 7 ptr do that about 3 times before the show ended for some reason, probably because the doe got up and moved. It was some show.

This past fall I had a decent 8 pt respond to my grunt calls. I decided not to shoot him, so I figured I'd give a snort wheeze a try just to see what happens. All I did is what I see Waddell do in the videos and tried to copy what I saw/heard in the woods. Just blow air through your front teeth like "ffffft ffffffft" then just suck as much air as you can through pursed lips making a wheezing sound. When I did this to the 8 ptr, he laid the ears back, bristled up and circled down wind of me. When he got straight down wind of me, he picked the ears back up but continued looking in my direction until he turned and walked away.

Yeah it works, but I don't think you need to go spending a bunch of cash on a call, you can do it easy with your own mouth IMHO.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

Tominator, That is the best explaination I have ever read of how to snort wheeze.

I've seen basket racked 4 pointers snort wheeze to 6 and 8 pointers. Dominance is not necessarily defined by rack size.

If you want to draw attention of that lone buck, standing in a field with his court of does, that is hesitant to come to your decoys just snort wheeze. He will come running for a match.

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?


Why do it? To aggravate a buck into checking you out.

When should you do it? In the heat of the pre rut and rut when you know bucks are out cruising.

Does it work good? Yep. In my limited experience with it, it sure does

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agree 100% tried it last year after a few friends talked me into and I have one hanging on the wall from it !!! give it shot I think you will enjoy the expierence when it all comes together smile.gif

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?


Is this call used for blind calling or should it be used mainly for a buck that is hazent?

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I've only used it with deer I can actually see and know are worked up. I don't think I'd use it blindly, but then again, I rarely do any blind calling.

What's "hazent?"


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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?


What's "hazent?"


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Yup thats is I wasn't sure how to spell that.

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Yeah, if you see a deer, and you know he's worked up, and maybe hesitant to come your way, give it a try, it might get him ticked off enough to check you out.

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?


Is this call used for blind calling or should it be used mainly for a buck that is hazent?

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You can...A good friend of mine called in and killed a 150+ 4x5 in Novmeber of 2004 blind calling with a wheeze around 11:00 and it was the only deer he saw that morning.

I don't usually blind call very much but I will on occasion if the mood suits me. I did call in a young 9 point buck I passed up a at 7 steps blind calling with a wheeze a few years ago. I prefer using it when I see a mature buck up and moving though.

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

I have used the snort wheez to pique a deers curiousity. A few times I kicked up deer and ans they trotted off, I snort wheezed and it froze them long enough to take a shot if I wanted to. At that time I did it with just my hand and mouth. A few months ago at a outdoor show, I bought a Lohman Snort wheez call. I am perfecting it playing with it. My son tells me it sounds better from a distance than up close. I have had positive results with the snort wheeze.

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Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

i believe the snort wheeze is very effective and called in several young bucks i saw this year

two of the bucks i called in were fighting so i snort wheezed and they both came in from opp. directions to get down wind

tominator gave a very good description of how to do it and doing it w/ ur mouth sounds just as good as the MAD calls made specifically 4 it and its just as easy and faster

the only downfall to snortwheezing ,or any call for that matter, is the fact that it often tells the deer to go downwind

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Guest BigBuckDown69

Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ?

I killed a 10 point that scored 142 by snort wheezing this season. I heard the deer walking in the woods below me but couldn't see what is was. I decided to try the snort wheeze since it was getting dark. After snort wheezing a couple of times I heard the buck start grunting and coming up the hill. When he came into the edge of the bean field that I was hunting in his head was to the ground and he was sniffing of the ground and then he would look around for the other buck. He came within 8 yards of my stand. He was definately looking for a fight. It was the 29th of Oct when I killed him and he was starting to rut. I don't think I would have gotten that deer if I hadn't done the snort wheeze because I don't think he would have came into that open bean field until dark. Here is a picture of the deer. JamieReagan_10pt_d.JPG

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